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[HQ] Opsec 101 while Cracking


Visual Recon Expert
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
Crossposted from my SE forum post but its all relevant here. Replace SE with Cracking.
VPNs / Proxies
Disclaimer: Crosspost from my Social Engineering Post. All of this stuff is 100% relevant while cracking and fraud in general. Replace Social Engineering with Cracking.
When you are Social Engineering & Refunding one of your priorities must be to maintain good operational security (opsec) you will need to mask your IP Address, this is to avoid companies from working out where you live, obviously you can only get a general idea of someones location from a ip address but if a company really had it in for you they can contact your ISP (Internet service provider) and they can hand over a full dox if its warranted.
I'll assume you have heard of the Tor network which is a proprietary network founded by a United States Government org, this was originally to protect US intelligence communications from potential hackers.
The VPN industry is quite saturated at the moment which is good for us, its a massive market, many VPN providers exist for example: Express VPN, Nord VPN, Tunnel Bear and such, If you need a free VPN go to https://protonmail.com/ and create an email account, then download ProtonVPN and login with that email account and boom you have a seven day free trial of premium.
Paying for "fraudulently" obtained items.
I am almost certain you are familiar with the Bitcoin, this is a blockchain based crypto currency, I suggest you purchase any items on Nulled, Cracked, Discord or any other forum using bitcoin, if you do not have Bitcoin you can create an account at: Paxful, Blockchain or find an exchanger in the currency section
Written by Unguent Nulled
RDPs and VMs.
To maintain a good operational security its recommended that you use a RDP or VM, you may ask: whats the difference? Well a VM is a Virtual Machine, its a OS Instance running ontop of your current instance (WIndows ontop of a Windows) so you basically get access to two computers allowing you to separate your Fraud stuff from your regular school stuff, also use this when downloading ANYTHING from anyone on any cracking or fraud related forum.
RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, basically you are connecting to a computer that is in a server farm somewhere else, this is the ultimate way to separate your Fraud from your regular stuff.
Amazon AWS has free RDPs.
RDP.SH is Paid.
Password Managers:
It is 100% recommended that you utilise a password manager, as you can see by this forum hundreds of thousands of passwords get compromised, what stops one of these from being yours? A password manager stores all your passwords and encrypts them, you should also use the "Generate password" option this means if a website you have signed up to is compromised you are 100% covered as its a bunch of random letters, numbers and symbols and some are randomly capitalised.
Written by Unguent Nulled
NEVER store passwords in your browser, these can be easily stolen by malicious programs.
Extra Resources:
If you are still confused to what the Tor Network is LinusTechTips has a pretty good video on it:



