200 XP
When you insert combo make sure it is email:pass not user:pass
So basically, @ recently released a cracked LOL email checker and @ had posted it here on Nulled, but he/she didn't really explain what it really is. At first i was like, wtf is this program and how tf do i use it... I soon found out that it checked VALID emails for League of Legends accounts in it. This means it bruteforces gmail.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, web.de and many more email sites to check if the emails are valid then sends back the amount of LOL accounts it has registered to the email. I reckon this program is OP as fuck because if you use the right email:pass combo you've struck gold! I just started using this and i've found emails with HQ accounts and more..
I also recommend using @ tool which i will link but there is only 1 copy left rip
~ Preivew ~
VT scan shows 1 / 67 https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/...66a6d7487fda7db79b4d271d/analysis/1514981483/
When you insert combo make sure it is email:pass not user:pass
So basically, @ recently released a cracked LOL email checker and @ had posted it here on Nulled, but he/she didn't really explain what it really is. At first i was like, wtf is this program and how tf do i use it... I soon found out that it checked VALID emails for League of Legends accounts in it. This means it bruteforces gmail.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, web.de and many more email sites to check if the emails are valid then sends back the amount of LOL accounts it has registered to the email. I reckon this program is OP as fuck because if you use the right email:pass combo you've struck gold! I just started using this and i've found emails with HQ accounts and more..
I also recommend using @ tool which i will link but there is only 1 copy left rip
~ Preivew ~
VT scan shows 1 / 67 https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/...66a6d7487fda7db79b4d271d/analysis/1514981483/
pass: Hokaida