Code Optimizer
300 XP
I've noticed that a LOT of members have issues
on how to obtain Google Only URLs in Sqli Dumper.
I've decided to release my personal method of gathering Google only links.
I am in no way claiming this as my method...
but this is how i personally get HQ Lists.
You will need:
[[ I'm personally using version 8.3 not that it matters ]]
Go down to the bottom of Sqli Dumper and locate the "HTTP Debugger", and click on the [+] sign.
It will open the debugger window just a bit. To enlarge it, click on UnDock
It will now open the HTTP Debugger window. Here you can see if google is blocking your requests.
Now Turn yourVPN ON, and insert your dorks into Sqli Dumper.
Click on any country within your VPN, and click the "START SCANNER" Button to begin scanning.
With the HTTP Debugger window open, watch the requests STATUS.
If you see "503 Service Unavailable", google is blocking your requests.
If you see "200 ok" Status, you will start to get google only urls.
Once you see503 Service Unavailable, click PAUSE In Sqli Dumper.
Re-connect your VPN to a new Server.
Then Click Pause again to resume scanning.
If you see 200 ok, Continue. If you see503 error,pause and connect to new server.
Continue until all your dorks are scanned.
LEECHERS WILL BE REPORTED. know whatchu gotta do....
Show some love and ill keep dropping hot ish!! Yadidimeeeeeen!!
on how to obtain Google Only URLs in Sqli Dumper.
I've decided to release my personal method of gathering Google only links.
I am in no way claiming this as my method...
but this is how i personally get HQ Lists.
You will need:
- Sqli Dumper
- Dorks list
- Working internet connection
[[ I'm personally using version 8.3 not that it matters ]]
Go down to the bottom of Sqli Dumper and locate the "HTTP Debugger", and click on the [+] sign.
It will open the debugger window just a bit. To enlarge it, click on UnDock
It will now open the HTTP Debugger window. Here you can see if google is blocking your requests.
Now Turn yourVPN ON, and insert your dorks into Sqli Dumper.
Click on any country within your VPN, and click the "START SCANNER" Button to begin scanning.
With the HTTP Debugger window open, watch the requests STATUS.
If you see "503 Service Unavailable", google is blocking your requests.
If you see "200 ok" Status, you will start to get google only urls.
Once you see503 Service Unavailable, click PAUSE In Sqli Dumper.
Re-connect your VPN to a new Server.
Then Click Pause again to resume scanning.
If you see 200 ok, Continue. If you see503 error,pause and connect to new server.
Continue until all your dorks are scanned.
LEECHERS WILL BE REPORTED. know whatchu gotta do....
Show some love and ill keep dropping hot ish!! Yadidimeeeeeen!!