Sm0othyz Hacks
Layer 2 Pro
300 XP
PS. This tuto use Openbullet as main tools so follow me step by step
Let’s begin
Tools you need + Detail
- Openbullet reccomend Anomaly
- Netflix config
- Proxy Need HQ one [Paid proxy , i cant specific site but if you dont have budget try this..... ]
-Combolist [ Buy it on market , public combo are shit]
How to use the tools?
STEP 1:To begin with, you are going to need a Combolist,
- You can get a Free combo list (PUBLIC LESS HITS )
- You can buy a combolist from trusted seller (PRIVATE MORE HITS )
- You can make your own Combolist (for more advanced users who want to go professional)
EMAIL:PASS : Mostly used for Spotify , Netflix , Deezer , Hulu , FitBit , Uplay,Origin ...Etc (Websites that require EMAIL:PASS to Login)
USER:PASS : Mostly used for Steam , Minecraft ,Origin ( Websites that require USER:PASS to Login)
If you Noticed I listed Origin in Both because some websites you can Log in using Both an Emailpass and a Usernamepass
STEP 2:We will need to use Proxies
- You can get a Free public Proxies (Sometimes HQ)
- You can also buy premium HQ proxies
STEP 3: Now the fun Begins
- Load your Config (OpenBullet\Configs) Note: If you are looking for specific Config that you didn't find in the list you can check HERE
- Open OpenBullet.exe IMPORTANT: When you open it will ask for an update, don't press either yes or no, leave the message open while you use Openbullet
- Go to Wordlists
- Load yourCombolist
- Go to Proxies
- Load your Proxies
Step 4: Before Starting the Program
- Go back to 'Home' (Bruteforcer in the top left corner)
- Click 'New'
- Click 'Select CFG' and load the config that you want to use
- Click 'Select List' and load the comblist that you want to use
- Put a Bots Number (How fast do you want it to check accounts ) on the top right corner based on your Internet and CPU ( I wouldn't recommend going above 200 if you have a Bad CPU unless you are using a good RDP, some configs set bots by default, depends by who made the config)
- Click 'START'
Step 5: Results
- Results are automatically saved on 'Hits DB' at the top
You need VDO ? OK then...