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How to Verify any Account to Your Email


Compiler Engineer
C Rep
C Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
This is the old method with the "ticket to Riot" BUT it is detailed as fuck
and I have also added a few of MY tricks
So please do not downvote if you already know the method.
What you gonna need:
  • VPN
  • A fresh new email (just create one, does not matter which, gmail,yahoo, etc)

  • You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
  • The league account you want to change email to be 1 month or more inactive
  • Some time and patience
​Step 1: Open the VPN connect to a server and copy the IP and save it somewhere. If you dont know what your VPN IP is go https://www.ipchicken.com/ and just copy it from there.
Step 2: Go and play a matchmade game from the account you have targeted. (do not play custom or with bots, I would recommend a normal game)
Step 3: Set up and get info from LOL account checker(if you know this already you can skip this step
So right click on the downloaded zip and select extract to League of legends Acc Checker
A folder with the same name as the archive will appear. Open it and run the exe inside it
Select "Accounts"
A new window will appear, click on Add
A new window will appear now, in which you add Username, Password and Region of the Account & hit "Save"
Close the smaller tab once saved, you should see the account in the Accounts tab, Click on "Start" on the main Tab
If the credentials of the account are correct and the region selected is correct, then normally you should see and account with some info on the main tab. You can right click on the account and select "View"
You can then see the champions of the account, go down to select sorting and click on "Purchase Date" find the first 5 champions and write them down, also try to find first 1350 BE champion, first 3150 BE champion , first 4800 BE champion and first 6300 BE champions and write them down as well
Step 4: Now go to the riot support website https://support.riotgames.com and click on "Login"
Type username and password , select region and click on "SIGN IN"
You should be automatically redirected to the Riot support page. There right click anywhere on the page and select "View Page Source"
A new tab should open in your browser, go to it and hit CTRL + F and search for "@" to find the email
  • Crack the email and get over with it, you can change password if you manage to get email access to the account
  • Since it may considered difficult by most to crack an email, or the email could be gmail with 2FA(uncrackable) we will submit a ticket to riot
​Now make sure you have written down this email we got. And after that go ahead and SIGN OUT
After you have been redirected back to Riot Support click on "Submit A Request" button
Complete the form with the info you have like this
Now for the sign-up date of the account find the purchase date of the first champion and deduct 1-2 weeks
For the location of registration, email might help with domain, for example mine is .pl so the country is Poland
Since you may have not provided too much info they will ask you more info via mail,
They will ask first 5 champions
Ip address which we have from step 1
First 1350 champion and on...
first RP purchase which you can also get from LOL account checker by checkin First skin bought
The dumbest you look in the ticket, the more the chances you get the account back.
so dont bother asking the riot employee questions.
This guide is still working till now 25/10/2018
and it takes about 5 days for you to get the account verified to your own email!!



