Continuous Testing Engineer
200 XP
Since many people have been having issues running the configs I've been postings. I've Decided to make tutorial to try and fix some of the problems!
Ok so there is one simple fix to all your problems.
1. Install Ruri's open Bullet not some other skidded mod (https://github.com/openbullet/openbullet/releases)
2. Add my .ini to settings folder. You might ask what my .ini does? well it's simple orgianl OB comes with <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> as vars to loading combos I don't like that and I like to use <USER> and <PASS> so I've changed the .ini to do that. You can confirm this by opening the .ini and looking at line 5.
3. If you get a error starting a runner try resetting your pc and reopening OB. (https://www.sendspace.com/file/h3g80c)
Done If you followed every step all my configs should be working for you!
Ok so there is one simple fix to all your problems.
1. Install Ruri's open Bullet not some other skidded mod (https://github.com/openbullet/openbullet/releases)
2. Add my .ini to settings folder. You might ask what my .ini does? well it's simple orgianl OB comes with <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> as vars to loading combos I don't like that and I like to use <USER> and <PASS> so I've changed the .ini to do that. You can confirm this by opening the .ini and looking at line 5.
3. If you get a error starting a runner try resetting your pc and reopening OB. (https://www.sendspace.com/file/h3g80c)
Done If you followed every step all my configs should be working for you!