Freelance Hustler
300 XP
- Hello Guys, I'm the Pink Ranger and here is my guide
This guide is for educational purposes and is meant to help the part of the community that has a hard time reaching diamond. First thing I must stress in saying is that scripts can only do so much for you; If you just hold spacebar and expect to go 20-0 You are sadly mistaken. There are 4 main keys that we use (Different depending on person but does the same thing) Last hitting (X key) - Use this when you want to slightly freeze lane. Harass (C key) - This will last hit creeps and auto attack enemies in AA range. Lane clear (V key) - This is used to push the wave. Combo key (Spacebar) - This will use your abilities effectively on the enemy in range. You want to rotate between these keys and use them effectively during lane phase. Example of Rotating between X - C - Last hit the wave and as the enemy goes to last hit a minion you can switch to harass to poke him/her a little This will give you lane dominance and control of a all in fight. (This will be slightly different depending on your lane/role) When to push? - You want to start to push your lane in the first couple of minutes depending on your match up. This will give you a slight experience advantage allowing you to outtrade your enemy or all in early. Of course this depends on your lane and situation, Of course don't all in or try to out trade someone who is stronger early. You also want to push before rotating for an objective or a gank or even wanting to back to buy an item. Space Bar? - Pressing Space bar and going ham is fun and is amusing when it works and you completely destroy the enemy laner. However try to refrain from using it, Instead press (C key) to harass before pressing Space bar. You only will need to press it to all in the enemy once a kill or summoner is assured. Also try not to be greedy as the objective is to gain elo not KDA; I can't stress this enough. The game might be more boring but in the long run a win streak is better then a single 20-0 game. When using a unfamiliar script please start a custom with a few bots. You do this to 1. Test FPS and MS 2. See what the script has to offer. Now you are in a boring old custom game with shitty bots; Here's the next step and it's actually really simple! Edit your settings, Kill the bots, Farm a little and see what suites you best. I can't even tell you how many people have asked me "What settings should I use for this, Or how come I'm spazzing out" etc etc etc Play around with your settings before using the script. I would also suggest playing 5-10 normal games with that script so you know it's strengths and get used to what it can do and can't do. This may take a few hours out of your time to play ranked but it's a few hours for a life time (So to speak) of settings and knowledge that work best for you. Alright, now that's out of the way let's talk about the game itself. League of legends is a knowledge based game (Not skill) I will personally admit mechanics have a great effect on the outcome of your game however we are using Leaguesharp. We have tools and advantages that make even Lord Faker himself lose games. (This actually happened) So for you as a Leaguesharp user the game itself is all about knowledge. You need to use your brain and I'm sorry but a lot of you decide not to think when playing. Example I'm a 5-0 Riven vs a 0-5 Rumble, I can easily kill this dude again! however Mid is mia and you haven't seen their jungler in quite awhile. + Your ward has just expired. The question you must ask yourself is do I risk it? Is the fact 2 people can get an assist and 1 person a kill + Shutdown gold worth your life? the answer will always be no. HOWEVER if you communicate with your team that could be a free dragon and push down bot lane/mid lane. "Just remember it's solo queue" People don't listen or take the objectives when they are practically given to them on a golden plate. Positioning is not something I'm good at personally. I main Riven.. >.> So I normally either am feed enough to run/flash into 5 people and burst either gaining me a penta or allowing my team to clean. Every champion has a different position they should be at, Example Tank at front It's not really that hard and if you find you are getting caught out alot try find a youtube tutorial on "positioning" as I can't help you to much ~ Sorry. Just remember, Farm take objectives, Rotate around the map to assist your team, Ward (Always bloody ward) And group when needed, you'll be able to climb alot faster Most of what you need to climb has been explained, The rest is mainly gained via experience in games. Remember practice makes perfect. You might finish this season at platinum or even silver, Next season you should be able to climb higher if you have learned from your mistakes. Thanks for reading and as always, Have fun scripting and gaining freelo.
Signed - iRangerPink
This guide is for educational purposes and is meant to help the part of the community that has a hard time reaching diamond. First thing I must stress in saying is that scripts can only do so much for you; If you just hold spacebar and expect to go 20-0 You are sadly mistaken. There are 4 main keys that we use (Different depending on person but does the same thing) Last hitting (X key) - Use this when you want to slightly freeze lane. Harass (C key) - This will last hit creeps and auto attack enemies in AA range. Lane clear (V key) - This is used to push the wave. Combo key (Spacebar) - This will use your abilities effectively on the enemy in range. You want to rotate between these keys and use them effectively during lane phase. Example of Rotating between X - C - Last hit the wave and as the enemy goes to last hit a minion you can switch to harass to poke him/her a little This will give you lane dominance and control of a all in fight. (This will be slightly different depending on your lane/role) When to push? - You want to start to push your lane in the first couple of minutes depending on your match up. This will give you a slight experience advantage allowing you to outtrade your enemy or all in early. Of course this depends on your lane and situation, Of course don't all in or try to out trade someone who is stronger early. You also want to push before rotating for an objective or a gank or even wanting to back to buy an item. Space Bar? - Pressing Space bar and going ham is fun and is amusing when it works and you completely destroy the enemy laner. However try to refrain from using it, Instead press (C key) to harass before pressing Space bar. You only will need to press it to all in the enemy once a kill or summoner is assured. Also try not to be greedy as the objective is to gain elo not KDA; I can't stress this enough. The game might be more boring but in the long run a win streak is better then a single 20-0 game. When using a unfamiliar script please start a custom with a few bots. You do this to 1. Test FPS and MS 2. See what the script has to offer. Now you are in a boring old custom game with shitty bots; Here's the next step and it's actually really simple! Edit your settings, Kill the bots, Farm a little and see what suites you best. I can't even tell you how many people have asked me "What settings should I use for this, Or how come I'm spazzing out" etc etc etc Play around with your settings before using the script. I would also suggest playing 5-10 normal games with that script so you know it's strengths and get used to what it can do and can't do. This may take a few hours out of your time to play ranked but it's a few hours for a life time (So to speak) of settings and knowledge that work best for you. Alright, now that's out of the way let's talk about the game itself. League of legends is a knowledge based game (Not skill) I will personally admit mechanics have a great effect on the outcome of your game however we are using Leaguesharp. We have tools and advantages that make even Lord Faker himself lose games. (This actually happened) So for you as a Leaguesharp user the game itself is all about knowledge. You need to use your brain and I'm sorry but a lot of you decide not to think when playing. Example I'm a 5-0 Riven vs a 0-5 Rumble, I can easily kill this dude again! however Mid is mia and you haven't seen their jungler in quite awhile. + Your ward has just expired. The question you must ask yourself is do I risk it? Is the fact 2 people can get an assist and 1 person a kill + Shutdown gold worth your life? the answer will always be no. HOWEVER if you communicate with your team that could be a free dragon and push down bot lane/mid lane. "Just remember it's solo queue" People don't listen or take the objectives when they are practically given to them on a golden plate. Positioning is not something I'm good at personally. I main Riven.. >.> So I normally either am feed enough to run/flash into 5 people and burst either gaining me a penta or allowing my team to clean. Every champion has a different position they should be at, Example Tank at front It's not really that hard and if you find you are getting caught out alot try find a youtube tutorial on "positioning" as I can't help you to much ~ Sorry. Just remember, Farm take objectives, Rotate around the map to assist your team, Ward (Always bloody ward) And group when needed, you'll be able to climb alot faster Most of what you need to climb has been explained, The rest is mainly gained via experience in games. Remember practice makes perfect. You might finish this season at platinum or even silver, Next season you should be able to climb higher if you have learned from your mistakes. Thanks for reading and as always, Have fun scripting and gaining freelo.
Signed - iRangerPink