Data Discrepancy Investigator
300 XP
Okay guys, let's be honest sometimes this program kill our time while scaning our dorks to get good URLS.Let's say that, this program is used to scan dorks to get links and make them vulnerable after doing the exploit.
Let's go to the following tools that will be left down below so you guys can use this version of this amazing program.
Tools required down below with their Virus Total Link included down the download link.
¿AntiLeech How to check properly with Searcher?
Good to start, you have to know how dorks work, since this tool gives you several options to check your dorks and be able to have some private URLS without having any problems.
My private settings, down below.
Oka, guys there's many types of Dorks and how to use some examples down below.
string: This one, comes with keyword.php?id = "string" + "keyword" This would be "Site" + "Site Keyword"
to=: This one comes with keyword.php?id= define: google "Definning, search engine" Leave as default
site: this one comes with keyword.php?id= site:com "Not Adding Space"
site+: This one comes with keyword.php?id= site: .com "Adding space"
Follow thru, what I'm doing here on the next gif down below.
I'll leave it with string; that will get more resulsts
Okay guys, let's be honest sometimes this program kill our time while scaning our dorks to get good URLS.Let's say that, this program is used to scan dorks to get links and make them vulnerable after doing the exploit.
Let's go to the following tools that will be left down below so you guys can use this version of this amazing program.
Tools required down below with their Virus Total Link included down the download link.
¿AntiLeech How to check properly with Searcher?
Good to start, you have to know how dorks work, since this tool gives you several options to check your dorks and be able to have some private URLS without having any problems.
My private settings, down below.
Oka, guys there's many types of Dorks and how to use some examples down below.
string: This one, comes with keyword.php?id = "string" + "keyword" This would be "Site" + "Site Keyword"
to=: This one comes with keyword.php?id= define: google "Definning, search engine" Leave as default
site: this one comes with keyword.php?id= site:com "Not Adding Space"
site+: This one comes with keyword.php?id= site: .com "Adding space"
Follow thru, what I'm doing here on the next gif down below.
I'll leave it with string; that will get more resulsts