Platform Monetization Strategist
400 XP
Hello Fellows Back With HQ Shit.
So lets see how to use it for free lifetime""
1. So guys you have to go to"" And register + DL The Antipub
2.Then you will get a key and you have to redeem it here 3.After 2days expires you can still renew it. You have to go in ""this site.
4.And type anything just convert it into md5 hash. (well if u already hv md5 so you can use those hashes also)
5.After you get the hash go to ( and paste the hash here( )
6.Then we have to create a txt in Antipublic folder txt name will be "Config_key.txt" ( )
7.Paste your MD5 hash in the txt file and save it.
8.You have to paste the Config_key.txtfile in C drive also. If you can't paste it paste it lt like this ( )
After everything is done just enjoy the program. And yes it will expire after 2 days so do the same steps again just get md5 and paste paste paste ezz
So lets see how to use it for free lifetime""
1. So guys you have to go to"" And register + DL The Antipub
2.Then you will get a key and you have to redeem it here 3.After 2days expires you can still renew it. You have to go in ""this site.
4.And type anything just convert it into md5 hash. (well if u already hv md5 so you can use those hashes also)
5.After you get the hash go to ( and paste the hash here( )
6.Then we have to create a txt in Antipublic folder txt name will be "Config_key.txt" ( )
7.Paste your MD5 hash in the txt file and save it.
8.You have to paste the Config_key.txtfile in C drive also. If you can't paste it paste it lt like this ( )
After everything is done just enjoy the program. And yes it will expire after 2 days so do the same steps again just get md5 and paste paste paste ezz