Deception Technology Expert
100 XP
Just a quick tutorial i saw this somewhere so here you go
1. Crack or buy premium account which is premium family owner's account
Want one for 3$? Visit my shop: https://selly.gg/p/8118b088
2. Login on it and check what region the cracked account is in settings page
3. Use VPN to change your IP to the same country as the cracked account is. No need to do this if you live in the same country obviously
4. Login on cracked account and go to https://www.spotify....count/overview/ then click manage family members and add yourself.
(The best for this are accounts with free slots for family members because you can add yourself without removing anyone else.)
5. Login on your normal account
6. Go to settings page and change your country to the same as cracked account is. (When VPN is still enabled ofc)
7. Click the link you received in your email.
8. They will ask you to confirm your address but you don't need to put owner's address here, just need to be real, existing address in that country.
So go to:
https://fake-it.ws and use some address given by that website.
9: Enjoy
You will be premium for as long as no one notices you are in their family list. The chance for this is very low if you have account with free slots on family list tho. I upgraded myself weeks ago and Im still premium.
If the premium status goes down you can just add yourself on other account.
Bump fiesta-parrot
1. Crack or buy premium account which is premium family owner's account
Want one for 3$? Visit my shop: https://selly.gg/p/8118b088
2. Login on it and check what region the cracked account is in settings page
3. Use VPN to change your IP to the same country as the cracked account is. No need to do this if you live in the same country obviously
4. Login on cracked account and go to https://www.spotify....count/overview/ then click manage family members and add yourself.
(The best for this are accounts with free slots for family members because you can add yourself without removing anyone else.)
5. Login on your normal account
6. Go to settings page and change your country to the same as cracked account is. (When VPN is still enabled ofc)
7. Click the link you received in your email.
8. They will ask you to confirm your address but you don't need to put owner's address here, just need to be real, existing address in that country.
So go to:
https://fake-it.ws and use some address given by that website.
9: Enjoy
You will be premium for as long as no one notices you are in their family list. The chance for this is very low if you have account with free slots on family list tho. I upgraded myself weeks ago and Im still premium.
If the premium status goes down you can just add yourself on other account.
Bump fiesta-parrot