Hilarious Tactician
700 XP
For all the lonely PC guru's out here I know you are all too busy with forums,internet,money making etc and you got no time to enjoy life BUT if you happen to go out heres a few steps on how to talk to ladies without coming off as a total weirdo/creep.
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All smiles are not created equal. The kind of smile you’re looking for is a genuine smile that uses the muscles in her eyes and her mouth, otherwise known as a Duchenne smile.Some women just smile at others to seem non-threatening or polite, not as an invitation to talk.
Are her arms crossed, is she avoiding eye contact, or pointing away from you? These are all signs that she is not interested.[sup] [/sup]A woman who is interested in engaging you will often have a straighter posture, with her knees pointed in your direction.
Never approach a girl from behind or engage in physical contact when you don’t know her. This can disgust them, and ruin your chances of talking to them for the rest of the night. Instead, approach her so she can see you, and maintain a smile as you walk up to her.
A good excuse to begin a conversation is to talk over drinks. It’s also a friendly gesture that she will appreciate. Always make sure to ask her what kind of drink she wants before buying one.
Take a seat next to her if she accepts the drink and it seems like she wants to talk. Try to find common interests. You can pull from your surroundings like the city and town you’re in, the bar you’re patronizing, or a local sports team. Try to figure out the type of person she is, and talk about what she’s interested in.
Practice the technique wherever you go.
Practicing these techniques outside of a bar or club situation is ideal because it will acclimate you to doing it in low-stress situations. Try out this method at the grocery store, shopping mall, or in school in order to meet new friends.
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- If a girl makes eye contact with you but her face remains rigid, confused, disgusted, or expressionless, there’s a good chance she’s not the one to approach.
- If a girl makes eye contact with more than 2 or 3 times in a row, there’s a good chance she’s interested in you.
- You could also wave to her from across the room.
- Research shows that those who are in love tend to stare into each other's eyes for longer periods of time.
All smiles are not created equal. The kind of smile you’re looking for is a genuine smile that uses the muscles in her eyes and her mouth, otherwise known as a Duchenne smile.Some women just smile at others to seem non-threatening or polite, not as an invitation to talk.
- People smile more often when they see someone they find attractive.
- Smiling will also make you more approachable
Are her arms crossed, is she avoiding eye contact, or pointing away from you? These are all signs that she is not interested.[sup] [/sup]A woman who is interested in engaging you will often have a straighter posture, with her knees pointed in your direction.
- If the girl preens or touches her hair, this is also a sign that she’s into you.
Never approach a girl from behind or engage in physical contact when you don’t know her. This can disgust them, and ruin your chances of talking to them for the rest of the night. Instead, approach her so she can see you, and maintain a smile as you walk up to her.
- Do not walk directly towards her like you have a mission. Instead walk in her direction, but make approaching her seem natural and not forced.
- Things to say include, “Hi,” “Hey,” “Are you having fun?,” or “I saw you at the other end of the bar.”
- You do not need an elaborate pick-up line, and some girls even find them corny.
- You could say something fun, like "I come here for the world's greatest vibes. What brings you here?"
- Try cracking a joke! You could say, "I love your dress! I was actually going to wear that same dress tonight too, but that would've been awkward."
A good excuse to begin a conversation is to talk over drinks. It’s also a friendly gesture that she will appreciate. Always make sure to ask her what kind of drink she wants before buying one.
- If she refuses and seems uncomfortable, you should walk away.
- If the girl takes the drink but then doesn’t seem interested in talking, you need to accept that. Not all girls want to talk.
Take a seat next to her if she accepts the drink and it seems like she wants to talk. Try to find common interests. You can pull from your surroundings like the city and town you’re in, the bar you’re patronizing, or a local sports team. Try to figure out the type of person she is, and talk about what she’s interested in.
Practice the technique wherever you go.
Practicing these techniques outside of a bar or club situation is ideal because it will acclimate you to doing it in low-stress situations. Try out this method at the grocery store, shopping mall, or in school in order to meet new friends.
- Trying it out in a low-stress situation to a woman that you aren't interested in will allow you to practice without fearing rejection.