Freelance Platform Wizard
900 XP
I saw this post ( ) about how to get cheap puffbars so i decided too teach how you can sell them!
For inperson sales (probably best) the easiest and safest way is too sell to friends, but yo don't have any. In theese cases you should make a snapchat account and name it after your city. Example "miamipuffbars" or "puffbarplugmiami". You may say "thats sketchy, cops can find it easily". I have seen drug dealers doing this so just dont sell too sketchy people. Police dont really spend time on puff bars so you are probaly fine. You can also ask snapchat plugs or "sh for sh" where you just shout them out and they do the same for you.
For online you can make a tik tok and a instagram account and just post the puff bars and tell people you sell them. You should redirect the traffic too you're snapchat because its easier too manage and safer. I recommend offering concealed packaging as kids are nic feens. If you want too be safe when shipping you could find guides online on how too do that. Idk how it works in the us or in whatever country you are in. I recommend taking crypto but it really don't matter as the police won't waste recources on puffbars. Atleast not in my country but better too be safe than sorry.
Hope you found it helpfull
For inperson sales (probably best) the easiest and safest way is too sell to friends, but yo don't have any. In theese cases you should make a snapchat account and name it after your city. Example "miamipuffbars" or "puffbarplugmiami". You may say "thats sketchy, cops can find it easily". I have seen drug dealers doing this so just dont sell too sketchy people. Police dont really spend time on puff bars so you are probaly fine. You can also ask snapchat plugs or "sh for sh" where you just shout them out and they do the same for you.
For online you can make a tik tok and a instagram account and just post the puff bars and tell people you sell them. You should redirect the traffic too you're snapchat because its easier too manage and safer. I recommend offering concealed packaging as kids are nic feens. If you want too be safe when shipping you could find guides online on how too do that. Idk how it works in the us or in whatever country you are in. I recommend taking crypto but it really don't matter as the police won't waste recources on puffbars. Atleast not in my country but better too be safe than sorry.
Hope you found it helpfull