Digital Asset Preservation Specialist
300 XP
It's easy, there is only 1 file to modify.
1. Open settings.json with notepad or something like that.
2. Delete everything inside it.
3. Paste this:
4. VERY IMPORTANT! When you open the client, it will write that the client version is outdated. Press cancel! (Ok will change the setting.json back.)
5. If you did everything fine, it will work. If you pressed ok instead of cancel, just return to step 1.
Upvote if worked! =)
In case you don't have Checker:
Edited by Reshi, 02 September 2015 - 04:27 PM.
1. Open settings.json with notepad or something like that.
2. Delete everything inside it.
3. Paste this:
{ "ShowPasswords": true,
"SelectedRegion": 1,
"ClientVersion": "5.17.15_09_02_12_40"
Upvote if worked! =)
In case you don't have Checker:
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