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How To Make Money Using Tsu Online?


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Tsu is a free social network that share up to 90% of ad revenue generated with the user. You use it like Facebook or Twitter, but you get to share revenue from ads. Tsu get 10% of your content revenues generated to cover the cost of doing business. Then, 50% of the remaining profit is paid to the user to create and share content. The other half of the revenue earned rest is distributed to the user's network Tree in the third family. HOW CAN I JOIN TSU? New members can only join by invitation user Su. This system allows only to invite them to track the distribution of income and the network for users who help Tsu development. You'll need an invitation to join Tsu : Click to receive an invitation - Let's get started! https://www.tsu.co/crazy9001
Tsu users on content and monetize their network on an ongoing basis, which means passive income with a growing network of friends and followers. youtube to make money closer view (interactive, like, subscribe, comment) Tsu algorithm automatically tracks, interactive statistical count your friends and followers. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON TSU? As one social media, interactive content and your valuable on Tsu, you'll be paying for that interaction. Half earn your revenue is in the form of royalties generated by the content that you post. Share content on Tsu simple as any other social networking site. Registration, status, your pictures, or videos on your page, and participate in activities with your friends or regular little option you want.
The more you share activities, the more you earn more money. Want to Make Money Online with Tsu? Here are the three most important advice Developing your account You will need to have a good number of followers and his article should be involved in order to make money. You also get paid when you invite your friend join Tsu. So start inviting friends to join. Use shortcode (URL your profile) Avoid spam and other tactics. You will be banned. Just go out and start inviting your friends and your colleagues. When they join and share, your income will increase. When the accumulated amount in your account reaches milestone Tsu $ 100, you can draw it out. I advise you to make friends with the people you really know or want to know. Choose a theme to play for 1 account transfer (you can set up more than one account for 1 ip) Select a topic or topics you'd like to share (even though it may be yourself) and start sharing it ..
There are many tracks as your content appealing Focus on quality content. Quality content is always fresh, unique and valuable! An important point to note is that Tsu also pay you when posting content stored on other sources. For example, if you were to monetize your video on YouTube, you can share them on Tsu and earn more. You can make money three ways by combining with Tsu ® youtube and follow these steps: Publish your video on YouTube ®, unlist it and ensure it is monetized on YouTube ®. ® youtube video link taken and publish it on your page Tsu where it will display a preview of the video. Tsu Get your short code and announced everywhere that you have a new video on your network Tsu. This method allows you to make money: On ® youtube, On Tsu On any new Tsu users want to view your video.



