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How to make massive profits online using Binance [+100% a day, NO LIMITS]


Crypto Gaming Pro
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
The crypto market is as volatile as it never was before. This has its pro and cons. You may have heard a lot about people getting rich just by holding Bitcoin, a crpto currency which has gained some 3000 % of its value in the last years. These are massive wins, especially if you invest high amounts.
You can not only make huge long term wins by trading with crypto currency, but also short term: There are many other coins beside BTC that can fill up your portfolio. Many of these coins are short term, meaning you invest money ( = buy a crypto coin) on, let's say 10 a.m., and sell it at 8 p.m., with a profit of sometimes up to 100%.
Just have a look at this example:
This is the chart of the trading pair PAN / EUR. During the 31st of March and 2nd of April 2021, it has gained +140%. This means you would have more than doubled your money if you invested in this trading pair. In just 2 days!
The next example is even more stunning:
Pair BTT / USDT has gained 115% in just 15 hours! Imagine investing $100 early in the morning and having $215 in the evening just by waiting and doing nothing. This is what happens here. You invest in a good trading pair and wait a few hours to days.
In the beginning you will need an investment, however these investments could be as low as $1. The higher your investemnt, the higher your gains.
To trade with crypto currency, you need a good trading platform. I have a special recommendation to you, as not all platform are as good as they seem to be.
Go to Binance via https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=78308545
and create a new account. Make sure to enter your correct name and email/phone number, as you will have to verify yourself using ID, SMS and Email. This is for your own safety to make sure your account can not be compromised. I also highly recommend using 2FA, to make sure no one will ever be able to login other than yourself. Do not worry about privacy: Binance is using high encryption valuating your data and also, this is all legal, so you do not have to worry about anything.
The next step is to invest money. It is up to you how much to invest, but I recommend $25 to $200 for starters. If you have some bitcoin already, you can use it to trade on binance and exchange it to other currencies that gain more over a short period of time.
Next, you need to know in which trading pair to invest. This is the hardest part of all, as there are thousands of pairs, and each day, there are more to be added. I recommend following so-called crypto signals: These are recommendations shared by experienced traders, on which coin to buy, when to buy it and when its the perfect time to sell in order to have the best gains. Those signals are shared e.g. on telegram. You can try https://t.me/RoseSignalsPremium or
https://t.me/CryptoCoinsPremiumFree or
https://t.me/CoinCoachSignalsPremium or just any other server you find. They share really valuable information.
If you have any questions, just contact me and I will try to help you out.



