Malware Reverse Engineer
300 XP
Enjoy (Making A more Detailed version soon.)
1)Open Up Sentry Mba And Clear anything running or being used
2)In Sentry, Click On Settings, then HTTP Header
3)In the Site Box at the top of Sentry, paste the Log in page for the site
4)Now tick the MW box and click the wand above
5)Now you will need to click analyze login page
6) Once this has done tick the Refresh Cookies box then click use data
7)Now on the left bar click on proxy settings and tick do not use proxies
8)Then on the left bar click on fake settings and untick enable afterfingerprint and tick follow redirects
9)Then on the left bar click general and and change the timeout to 10
10) Now head on over to keywords in the left bar
11) For the failure keys, this will be the error message that appears on the log in site when signing in with a wrong username/email, so tick the define failure keys and add basic ( the error message)
12) And for success keys, this will be any text shown that is different when not logged in to working account for example Log out could be used
13) Now go back to HTTP Header and click the wand above MW again
14) Now tick the enable stage box next to "form redirect stage", the redirect URL will be where the captured information can be found
15) For the redirect keys, right click and press "add source key" this will be any text on the Redirect URL and press update and use data
16) Now below tick the enable stage box for keywords capture stage and click the wand next to Parsing code
17) The field name will be what you want to capture, for example Balance or points etc
18) And in the large HTML Source box you will need to paste the page source code from the redirect URL, you can do this by right clicking while on the redirect URL page and pressing View Page source
19) Once you have pasted that, you will need to find the actual capture from the text you just pasted, so for example Balance and highlight the actual number shown
20) To add the left string and right string you will need to hold shift while highlighting the capture text for example the Balance and then let go
21) Once this has been done press update and use data, and then use data again until it brings you back to sentry
22) Now on the left bar go to general and save settings to snapshot
23) Now test your combos with the config you have just made
24) If you are getting combos in the "To check" box while bruteforcing the config will need proxies, so just head back to proxy settings and untick do not use proxies, then save settings to snapshot again
Edited by UltraT0xic, 27 November 2017 - 04:48 PM.
1)Open Up Sentry Mba And Clear anything running or being used
2)In Sentry, Click On Settings, then HTTP Header
3)In the Site Box at the top of Sentry, paste the Log in page for the site
4)Now tick the MW box and click the wand above
5)Now you will need to click analyze login page
6) Once this has done tick the Refresh Cookies box then click use data
7)Now on the left bar click on proxy settings and tick do not use proxies
8)Then on the left bar click on fake settings and untick enable afterfingerprint and tick follow redirects
9)Then on the left bar click general and and change the timeout to 10
10) Now head on over to keywords in the left bar
11) For the failure keys, this will be the error message that appears on the log in site when signing in with a wrong username/email, so tick the define failure keys and add basic ( the error message)
12) And for success keys, this will be any text shown that is different when not logged in to working account for example Log out could be used
13) Now go back to HTTP Header and click the wand above MW again
14) Now tick the enable stage box next to "form redirect stage", the redirect URL will be where the captured information can be found
15) For the redirect keys, right click and press "add source key" this will be any text on the Redirect URL and press update and use data
16) Now below tick the enable stage box for keywords capture stage and click the wand next to Parsing code
17) The field name will be what you want to capture, for example Balance or points etc
18) And in the large HTML Source box you will need to paste the page source code from the redirect URL, you can do this by right clicking while on the redirect URL page and pressing View Page source
19) Once you have pasted that, you will need to find the actual capture from the text you just pasted, so for example Balance and highlight the actual number shown
20) To add the left string and right string you will need to hold shift while highlighting the capture text for example the Balance and then let go
21) Once this has been done press update and use data, and then use data again until it brings you back to sentry
22) Now on the left bar go to general and save settings to snapshot
23) Now test your combos with the config you have just made
24) If you are getting combos in the "To check" box while bruteforcing the config will need proxies, so just head back to proxy settings and untick do not use proxies, then save settings to snapshot again
Edited by UltraT0xic, 27 November 2017 - 04:48 PM.