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How to Make 6 Figures Online - A Post You'll Need


Conversion Funnel Pro
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
Hey everyone,
I just felt a bit of random inspiration, as I often do before I write posts.
I've been in business for a long time, and I've had a lot of ups and downs.
Because of that experience I've really come away with an incredibly solid understanding of exactly what you need to succeed in online business, or any business for that matter.
If you follow this mindset and these instructions, then you absolutely will succeed, no matter what you've tried, how many times you've failed or how dismayed you are.
Now.. This is why almost everyone fails. This rule is almost absolute. In all my years, with all the people I've talked to, all the interviews I've watched, all the biography's I've read, I cannot think of 1 single example of someone who's succeeded who has not done this.
Massive, relentless energy put into ONE single focus for a long period of time.
That's it.
NO ONE does this. Not even close.
People try something for 2 weeks, then give up and move onto the next shiny thing.
Others try something for 3 months, then give up. Yeah, still not enough.
Most think you can make money by running some process like it's a job. Set up this, do this, do that, and boom you're making money. It doesn't work like that.
You can make $100k/year, in pretty much ANYTHING. Making videos, podcasts, creating training products, dropshipping, creating a product, re-selling a product, affiliate marketing in any niche, consulting, selling little pink hairbands.
The way to succeed is to pick ONE thing, and focus hard on it for a full year of your life. Put all your energy into it and don't make your goal to make money, make your goal to be the best at this thing. The money will follow that. Minimum $100k/year if you've picked an absolutely dire business and you're massively lacking in skills/experience.
It's near impossible to fail if you do this.
Let's use an example of how most people approach something vs the correct way.
You decide you're going to make youtube videos about games, build an email list and sell something to those people via email and you do nothing but that for a year, you'll master it.
You wake up at 8am, yawn, and decide to sleep in.. There's no hurry, you can start after lunch.
You get up at midday and crawl over to the computer.
You lookup some affiliate offer for gaming. Good, job done.
Next, you sign up for some email marketing software with a free plan that allows affiliate offers.
Then, you make some half hearted video about gaming and upload it.
You're now SUPER excited, expecting to be well on your way making $1k/day automated money. The dream is almost your!
Next, you stick up your opt in page.
A few days later, you've got like 5 opt-ins for your email list. You email your offer anyway and no one bites.
Bah, screw this you say, and back you go to google to find another juicy method.
Now repeat this, for multiple methods, for years, and you have your classic "Help! I've tried everything and nothing works" person.
Maybe you're not as bad as that, but most people aren't that far off.
Now, below is the mindset of the guys you see who have made millions of dollars online.
They make a plan. They research everyone else doing gaming videos. They take notes to see what's working and what people like.
They then create a few really good videos. Putting a lot of effort into them. Let's see what happens.
They're not even bothering with monetization yet. The first thing is to get good at the videos.
A couple of weeks just releasing videos, testing the waters..
Ok, not much traction. What do I need to improve here?
They start looking at more competitors and making tweaks to their own videos and getting better at editing..
3-4 weeks in, and they're starting to get some decent views, some people are commenting, things are moving in the right direction. Let's keep improving on that.
Let's work on getting more subscribers, more feedback, more interaction. Let's test some shit.
A whole month can just be spent getting good at creating the videos and getting some views into them.
Next they look into building a list. No selling yet. Let's just work on building a list and trying different schedules for mailing useful stuff.
Maybe I'll get really creative here and go out on the street and hand out flyers for my youtube channel and get people to check it out. Why not. Nothing to lose.
We're now 3 months in and they've got a decent little channel, a few hundred people on their email list that are regularly opening their emails and things are growing.
Now let's look into monetizing..
And on and on.
What's the result?
2-3 years later that's the guy with 100k subscribers, his own product, a big email list and is making $50k+ per month and now has vast experience in youtube, video creation, list building, email marketing, funnel building, monetization, product creation, product launches, upsells, downsells and more.
The first guy is still on google moaning about how nothing works and the world is full of fake-gurus.
If you cannot take that approach to your business, you're not going to succeed.



