Monetization Innovator
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Hey guys today I bring you a method. Yes this method has been posted on here a few times and is well known but I thought I would make it super noob friendly and in depth.
Make sure to show your appreciation if you wanna see more methods like this Step 1
Okay so first of all we need to make sure we have enough bitcoin to pay for the fees of the refunding service. Don't have bitcoin?
That's fine you can use https://buy.carbon.money/ they don't require any form of ID and have super low fees.
Okay so now that you have your bitcoin you are ready to pick a refunding service every refund service is different and its really down to what you think will be
best when choosing a product but you should take these things into consideration when choosing a service, Fee price, Vouchesand store list.
Once you have found a service provider that suits you, you will need to choose a productto buy, most services will have a store list you should
look through. Now you have a product you need to find out how much the fee will be to ensure you will be able to pay service provider.
You can do this by using a calculator taking their service fee percentage into equation.
Now you want to order the product, if your having doubts about the refund remember if it all goes wrong you can just send the product back and get a full
refund on the product so no harm done.
Once you have ordered the product you want to put your order in to the service provider, they usually have a form to
fill out or a way to contact them.
Step 2
Now you are waiting for your order and your refunder is ready to do their work when the package arrives. There is just one more thing you need to work on which
is how you receive the package.
Unless the refunder specified otherwise there are 3 common ways to receive the package which can makes the refunders job a lot
easier or harder:
1.Left in safe place: This is when the mail courier leaves the package somewhere outside near your house, this is usually the easiest way for a refunder to do their
job so if you have the option for it to be left in a safe place do this.
2.Fake signature: When the mail person ask for your signature you just do anabsolutely random scribble, the mail person is used to people doing this and wont
think anything of it.
3.No signature: This happens when the mail person just hands you the package and doesn't ask you to sign this can happen because the mail person will sign it for
you if they are in a rush.
*Just remember that each refunder is different and might want you to receive the package in a different way this is just the way I know*
It is super important that you or someone is in when the package comes because if the package gets sent to the post office and you have to pick it up from there chances
are the refunder cant do anything about that and it will make their life a lot harder.
Step 3
So some time has passed you have received your package and the refunder has done his job so now you have a product you got for free what do you do with it? Well... sell it
obviously but how. The thing is selling these type of things eBay leaves you a digital trail which after a while can lead to you maybe getting caught so how do you sell it?
Well you want to use places likeFacebook market orGumtreeetc. where the person pays for the product cash in hand.Remember you can drastically lower the price of the product because now any money made is 100% profit.
Now you have almost doubled your investment! Now repeat but with more expensive products then once you get enough money invest into other businesses(Maybe more legit ones).
Extra tips:
If you have run out of stores to do and cant refund at your address anymore ask someone you know to receive it for you and offer them some money from the refund if you want.
Try to not sell refunded products online as much as possible.
TL;DR : Buy product, get it refunded, sell it, repeat but with more expensive products.
Make sure to show your appreciation if you wanna see more methods like this Step 1
Okay so first of all we need to make sure we have enough bitcoin to pay for the fees of the refunding service. Don't have bitcoin?
That's fine you can use https://buy.carbon.money/ they don't require any form of ID and have super low fees.
Okay so now that you have your bitcoin you are ready to pick a refunding service every refund service is different and its really down to what you think will be
best when choosing a product but you should take these things into consideration when choosing a service, Fee price, Vouchesand store list.
Once you have found a service provider that suits you, you will need to choose a productto buy, most services will have a store list you should
look through. Now you have a product you need to find out how much the fee will be to ensure you will be able to pay service provider.
You can do this by using a calculator taking their service fee percentage into equation.
Now you want to order the product, if your having doubts about the refund remember if it all goes wrong you can just send the product back and get a full
refund on the product so no harm done.
Once you have ordered the product you want to put your order in to the service provider, they usually have a form to
fill out or a way to contact them.
Step 2
Now you are waiting for your order and your refunder is ready to do their work when the package arrives. There is just one more thing you need to work on which
is how you receive the package.
Unless the refunder specified otherwise there are 3 common ways to receive the package which can makes the refunders job a lot
easier or harder:
1.Left in safe place: This is when the mail courier leaves the package somewhere outside near your house, this is usually the easiest way for a refunder to do their
job so if you have the option for it to be left in a safe place do this.
2.Fake signature: When the mail person ask for your signature you just do anabsolutely random scribble, the mail person is used to people doing this and wont
think anything of it.
3.No signature: This happens when the mail person just hands you the package and doesn't ask you to sign this can happen because the mail person will sign it for
you if they are in a rush.
*Just remember that each refunder is different and might want you to receive the package in a different way this is just the way I know*
It is super important that you or someone is in when the package comes because if the package gets sent to the post office and you have to pick it up from there chances
are the refunder cant do anything about that and it will make their life a lot harder.
Step 3
So some time has passed you have received your package and the refunder has done his job so now you have a product you got for free what do you do with it? Well... sell it
obviously but how. The thing is selling these type of things eBay leaves you a digital trail which after a while can lead to you maybe getting caught so how do you sell it?
Well you want to use places likeFacebook market orGumtreeetc. where the person pays for the product cash in hand.Remember you can drastically lower the price of the product because now any money made is 100% profit.
Now you have almost doubled your investment! Now repeat but with more expensive products then once you get enough money invest into other businesses(Maybe more legit ones).
Extra tips:
If you have run out of stores to do and cant refund at your address anymore ask someone you know to receive it for you and offer them some money from the refund if you want.
Try to not sell refunded products online as much as possible.
TL;DR : Buy product, get it refunded, sell it, repeat but with more expensive products.