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V3n0M-Scanner inside kali linux
Thread {2/2}
1< Start up ur Linxu machine.
2< When you open the linux machine Type this code to install "Git" Which is "github" the site we will download v3n0m-scanner from.
apt-get install git
3< After you have installed git. U can now downlaod v3n0m-scanner Files. With this code
git clone
4< Now you have downloaded v3n0m-scanner files. Type this code to enter v3n0m file
cd V3n0M-Scanner/
5< now setup the program with this code :
python3 setup.py install --user
6< now go to the Src folder to Start up the V3n0M-Scanner Finally :
cd src
7< now start up V3n0M Scanner with this code:
python3 v3n0m.py
8<Once you started v3n0m scanner Successfully. exit V3n0m scanner with :0:. then you should install nano since it reads the D0rks file and Syncs it into the v3n0m scanner.
apt-get install nano
9< From the Files inside linux u can find V3n0m-scanner Folder Go inside it then go to src then go to lists. then go to D0rks. which is where you will put your dorks in. so open that txt file delete Everything in it then put your dorks.
10< Now to see The dorks that u have loaded in d0rks file You can see them inside the TREMINAL using this code :
cd V3n0M-Scanner/src/lists
11< Now enter this to see the dorks u loaded :
nano d0rks
12< now you can exit nano By :CTRL+X: Then type this to exit from the lists and go to the v3n0m file to start it up :cd ..:
13< when you are on the V3n0M-scanner Home Which looks like this : Press 1 to start scanning the dorks.
14< After you press :1: it will ask you if u wanna scan for a specific Domain or not.JUST PRESS ENTER .Then it will Ask for how many dorks u want to scan.
Just Type :0: for all the dorks that u have loaded to be scanned.... Now it will ask for how many threads it should Scan. depends on your internet speed. if u
have high internet speed then just type500. if u dont type250.Now it will ask for how many search engines every dork will be used to scan in. Again depends
on ur internt if u have good internet type100
Now just wait And this will pop up : showing that your dorks are being scanned.
15<Now you just stay back and relax. and let it finish....
16<Once it's Finished press 1 again to scan for vulnerable Sites...
17< once you scanned for the Vulnerable sites. just copy them. and take them Into your SQLI dumper. And copy the sites that you have copied from V3n0M-
Scanner to the URLS... Now dump their data For the Sweet ASS combo.
some fixes if u face any proplems or errors : Just type these codes : and hope one of them fixes Ur proplem
V3n0M-Scanner inside kali linux
Thread {2/2}
2< When you open the linux machine Type this code to install "Git" Which is "github" the site we will download v3n0m-scanner from.
apt-get install git
3< After you have installed git. U can now downlaod v3n0m-scanner Files. With this code
git clone
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
4< Now you have downloaded v3n0m-scanner files. Type this code to enter v3n0m file
cd V3n0M-Scanner/
5< now setup the program with this code :
python3 setup.py install --user
6< now go to the Src folder to Start up the V3n0M-Scanner Finally :
cd src
7< now start up V3n0M Scanner with this code:
python3 v3n0m.py
8<Once you started v3n0m scanner Successfully. exit V3n0m scanner with :0:. then you should install nano since it reads the D0rks file and Syncs it into the v3n0m scanner.
apt-get install nano
9< From the Files inside linux u can find V3n0m-scanner Folder Go inside it then go to src then go to lists. then go to D0rks. which is where you will put your dorks in. so open that txt file delete Everything in it then put your dorks.
10< Now to see The dorks that u have loaded in d0rks file You can see them inside the TREMINAL using this code :
cd V3n0M-Scanner/src/lists
11< Now enter this to see the dorks u loaded :
nano d0rks
12< now you can exit nano By :CTRL+X: Then type this to exit from the lists and go to the v3n0m file to start it up :cd ..:
13< when you are on the V3n0M-scanner Home Which looks like this : Press 1 to start scanning the dorks.
Just Type :0: for all the dorks that u have loaded to be scanned.... Now it will ask for how many threads it should Scan. depends on your internet speed. if u
have high internet speed then just type500. if u dont type250.Now it will ask for how many search engines every dork will be used to scan in. Again depends
on ur internt if u have good internet type100
Now just wait And this will pop up : showing that your dorks are being scanned.
16<Once it's Finished press 1 again to scan for vulnerable Sites...
17< once you scanned for the Vulnerable sites. just copy them. and take them Into your SQLI dumper. And copy the sites that you have copied from V3n0M-
Scanner to the URLS... Now dump their data For the Sweet ASS combo.
some fixes if u face any proplems or errors : Just type these codes : and hope one of them fixes Ur proplem