Tech Scalability Expert
300 XP
Hello there.I saw a lot of posts there or shouts reffering on solo q problems even with scripts,so i decided to show my "way",for growing up faster in solo q.
Essentials: -Sida's Auto Carryhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/SidaBoL/Scripts/master/Misc/Sida%27s%20Auto%20Carry.lua
-Evadeee http://weee.ru/evadeee/dl/Evadeee.lua
-Big Fat MARK IV https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigFatNidalee/BoL-Releases/master/BIG FAT HEV - MARK IV.lua
Why Big Fat?BFA IV gives you all the customization options you need and it comes along with a voice system if you really want that extra awareness. Evadeee is a stable and efficient dodging script and it can easily be configured to look more human. Check this guide if you want to make it look human:http://forum.botoflegends.com/topic/65725-evadeee-a-guide-to-make-it-look-as-human-as-possible/
ADC: - Kite Machine Kalista https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RalphLeague/BoL/master/Kalista.lua
-Tumble Machine Vayne https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RalphLeague/BoL/master/Vayne.lua
-Amber Carries for Kog Maw https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AMBER17/BoL/master/Bundle.lua
MID: -Gagong Orianna https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DasGagong/Orianna/master/GagongOrianna.lua
-Forbidden Script for Azir https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LucasRPC/BoL-Scripts/master/ForbiddenScript.lua
With those you can grow up easy in ranked solo q.My suggestion is that you need to get core items on all of those champions before you start a serious fight.Don't start any if you not sure 90% you will kill them and get out safely.Take care always for ganks.Buy a ward if your support is too cancer to do at least that simple thing and place it in some crucial places.Here is an example:
Now i will show you some guides for each champ in part.Let's start with Vayne.
Playstyle guide
There are the runes masteries,skill order and items i suggest.
Ok now let's go to orianna.Orianna is a very strong champion that can carry easily the game,especially with Gagong Orianna.My build suggest is the sickest of all..the ultimate carry.Late game orianna is the best.Go for rod of ages as fast as you can first item,take boots for 325 gold,make rilay,finish boots,and rush for rabadon.Rest of build is ocasionally.Just do rod of ages and rilay and you will be a late game monster.Same for azir.I know it seems strange but just do it. Hope this guide was helpful for you guys,and don't froget..don't rush for kills..rush for more and more farm and team helping.See you in diamond
Essentials: -Sida's Auto Carryhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/SidaBoL/Scripts/master/Misc/Sida%27s%20Auto%20Carry.lua
-Evadeee http://weee.ru/evadeee/dl/Evadeee.lua
-Big Fat MARK IV https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigFatNidalee/BoL-Releases/master/BIG FAT HEV - MARK IV.lua
Why Big Fat?BFA IV gives you all the customization options you need and it comes along with a voice system if you really want that extra awareness. Evadeee is a stable and efficient dodging script and it can easily be configured to look more human. Check this guide if you want to make it look human:http://forum.botoflegends.com/topic/65725-evadeee-a-guide-to-make-it-look-as-human-as-possible/
ADC: - Kite Machine Kalista https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RalphLeague/BoL/master/Kalista.lua
-Tumble Machine Vayne https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RalphLeague/BoL/master/Vayne.lua
-Amber Carries for Kog Maw https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AMBER17/BoL/master/Bundle.lua
MID: -Gagong Orianna https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DasGagong/Orianna/master/GagongOrianna.lua
-Forbidden Script for Azir https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LucasRPC/BoL-Scripts/master/ForbiddenScript.lua
With those you can grow up easy in ranked solo q.My suggestion is that you need to get core items on all of those champions before you start a serious fight.Don't start any if you not sure 90% you will kill them and get out safely.Take care always for ganks.Buy a ward if your support is too cancer to do at least that simple thing and place it in some crucial places.Here is an example:
Now i will show you some guides for each champ in part.Let's start with Vayne.
Playstyle guide
There are the runes masteries,skill order and items i suggest.
Ok now let's go to orianna.Orianna is a very strong champion that can carry easily the game,especially with Gagong Orianna.My build suggest is the sickest of all..the ultimate carry.Late game orianna is the best.Go for rod of ages as fast as you can first item,take boots for 325 gold,make rilay,finish boots,and rush for rabadon.Rest of build is ocasionally.Just do rod of ages and rilay and you will be a late game monster.Same for azir.I know it seems strange but just do it. Hope this guide was helpful for you guys,and don't froget..don't rush for kills..rush for more and more farm and team helping.See you in diamond