Conversion Rate Master
300 XP
Hi guys today I'll show you a method how to get free games from G2A.
What you will need:
A G2A account.
The money to buy your game (you will get it back).
Minor photoshop skill / know how to use inspect element.
Common sense.
But how?!
Basically you buy a g2a WITH G2A SHIELD. and mail g2a that the code you got was invalid. And they will deposit the money back.
off course g2a would like to see a some sort of proof that the code you got was really invalid. The proof they want depend on the type of game you got.
here is a smal list of scenarios that g2a will ask ask you and how to get around that.
Show me a picture that the code is invalid
- Easy,
Show me your steam library
- Again easy. make a print screen before you bought the game or add the game to your favorites you it isn't. visable in the list
Show me your
- This one is a bit more complimentary but with a bit of photoshop skills or using inspect element your can change the name of the game your just bought to another game and change the date of purchase to make it look more legit. off course you can always make a printscreen before you buy the game
What is your steam id so I can check if you got the game
- Personally I haven't gotten this response but if you just send the Steam ID your a friend of you who hasn't gotten that game.
But does this really work?
Yes, g2a has a policy to always pay you back when your got the shield on.
Yeah that's it simple as that.
Some good advise form Nulled user
Never Use the Key/Gift on the account you try to SE with as they can locate which account did activate the Key/Gift.
Edited by HuisKoe, 30 November 2017 - 09:46 PM.
What you will need:
A G2A account.
The money to buy your game (you will get it back).
Minor photoshop skill / know how to use inspect element.
Common sense.
But how?!
Basically you buy a g2a WITH G2A SHIELD. and mail g2a that the code you got was invalid. And they will deposit the money back.
off course g2a would like to see a some sort of proof that the code you got was really invalid. The proof they want depend on the type of game you got.
here is a smal list of scenarios that g2a will ask ask you and how to get around that.
Show me a picture that the code is invalid
- Easy,
Show me your steam library
- Again easy. make a print screen before you bought the game or add the game to your favorites you it isn't. visable in the list
Show me your
- This one is a bit more complimentary but with a bit of photoshop skills or using inspect element your can change the name of the game your just bought to another game and change the date of purchase to make it look more legit. off course you can always make a printscreen before you buy the game
What is your steam id so I can check if you got the game
- Personally I haven't gotten this response but if you just send the Steam ID your a friend of you who hasn't gotten that game.
But does this really work?
Yes, g2a has a policy to always pay you back when your got the shield on.
Yeah that's it simple as that.
Some good advise form Nulled user
Never Use the Key/Gift on the account you try to SE with as they can locate which account did activate the Key/Gift.
Edited by HuisKoe, 30 November 2017 - 09:46 PM.