Big Data Pro
300 XP
I will tell you some thing to get better at this game,to get better ranking:
1.Never stop farming
2.Read number1 again
3.Always pick a champion you are good with,DON'T pick what others say is op(i saw that even in plat)
4.Some good pick with huge impact in game:
Swain(best pick in my point of view):HUGE sustain,huge dmg,best front line that will destroy oponents
Rengar,you will delete adc in lategame(BUY a GA if you know you will die)
Viktor,will destroy everything
ADC,i'd say corki,vayne,kalista
Jungle pick ww,amumu,lee sin,vi
Edited by Iononion, 30 July 2015 - 08:49 AM.
1.Never stop farming
2.Read number1 again
3.Always pick a champion you are good with,DON'T pick what others say is op(i saw that even in plat)
4.Some good pick with huge impact in game:
Swain(best pick in my point of view):HUGE sustain,huge dmg,best front line that will destroy oponents
Rengar,you will delete adc in lategame(BUY a GA if you know you will die)
Viktor,will destroy everything
ADC,i'd say corki,vayne,kalista
Jungle pick ww,amumu,lee sin,vi
Edited by Iononion, 30 July 2015 - 08:49 AM.