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Here is how you can download these Shutterstock Images for free.
Step 1:Head over to the website found at the bottom of this article. Once on the site, enter your desired category into the search bar. For this example, we have chosen “Food”. Once entered, click “search”. You should now see lots of images relating to food. These images have been taken from Shutterstock.
Step 2: Under each image, you should see two icons; the first icon is a download button and the second is a view Shutterstock image icon. If you click the download icon, it will be finding, removing the watermark and allowing you to download the image as seen below.
That is all it takes to download the free Shutterstock image
Step 1:Head over to the website found at the bottom of this article. Once on the site, enter your desired category into the search bar. For this example, we have chosen “Food”. Once entered, click “search”. You should now see lots of images relating to food. These images have been taken from Shutterstock.
Step 2: Under each image, you should see two icons; the first icon is a download button and the second is a view Shutterstock image icon. If you click the download icon, it will be finding, removing the watermark and allowing you to download the image as seen below.
That is all it takes to download the free Shutterstock image