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Hey guys,
Since I dont want to be a leecher, I am contributing a guide I made about what you have to do as a good ad-carry while using scripts.
This guide is based on my own opinion and game experience. Any tip/feedback is more than welcome. I hope you guys like it, have fun reading it!
(Read this before you skip to the tips, please) I also struggled in the beginning, scripting kinda gave me the feeling that I could destroy my enemy very easily, but this wasn't true.
See it like this; scripts auto attacks for you, calculates for you and does the mechanics for you. Only when you are very fed and you got a champ like kalista for example you can destroy your enemies very easily. Other than this, your attack speed is still very low early game, your dmg is low early game, you aren't faster or more tanky or whatever. See scripting as a tool for your utility, awareness, mechanics and cs-ing. So in other words, you don't get superpowers.
Ok, now you know this, I'm going to give you some very helpfull tips (ADC-ROLE):
- The most important tip, I read it somewhere once, DO NOT DIE. Even if your teammembers are dying a lot, make sure you do not die. Try to minimalize that.
- Mute everyone, you can keep your support unmuted if it isn't an annoying fck. This will help you concentrate on the game instead of the chat. I didn't believe this, but this actually helps a lot.
- Tell your support to rush Sightstone immediately. You need the vision to know if you can go in to get a kill, to push and get the tower and to know when to back off. A common mistake is that adc's are staying too far away from their own side without vision and get caught by the jungler/roaming mid-laner.
- Try to poke the enemy team. When you are winning trades, I recommend to last hit the minions (also called: freezing the lane) instead of clearing the waves. It prevents the enemy adc to cs. Why not to push? Because this won't prevent the enemy team from cs-ing.
If you do push and keep poking the enemy under their own turret, make sure you got the vision you need. If you don't have the vision you can get caught by the enemy jungler. This is the common mistake I just mentioned. I also recommend to stay on the right side of bot lane, because junglers like sejuani can flash and cc you.
If you want to go back to get some items, then I recommend to push the lane and recall. This will buy you some time and you won't really lose minon waves.
- If you can't really poke or getting too much damage when you are trying to poke, just lay back on your own side and keep farming. A good cs is very important, because it gets you the money to buy your items.
- MAP AWARENESS. Try to check your map every 5 seconds. Just keep checking top and mid. Sometimes you will see the enemy jungler ganking top. If you also still can see the mid laner, this means nobody is gonna gank you and you could go in to get yourself a kill or two (ofcourse, when you are sure about it, like when your support tresh lands a nice hook, blitz a good grab, leona a nice stun etc.. or when the enemy adc is low hp and you are full hp or you got more items.. as you can see there are a lot of situations possible).
- MAP AWARENESS. Keep an eye on your own jungler. If he is trying to gank, and you are sure about the situation, go in with your support and clear bot lane. Don't get too greedy tho, if the enemy adc or support flashes away under their turret, don't chase them if you aren't sure about the kill. Just let it go. You already won the trade.
- Ask your support or jungler for constant vision on drake. This way you can secure drake. I recommend to go for drake when you and your jungler are full hp and bot lane is low or when you killed bot lane or when their jungler died, etc etc.. there are a lot of situations, try to figure them out for yourself.
Ok, this is pretty early game, mid game you should already be really fed. You got nice cs, you got a lot of kills at bot lane, enemy mid roamed a few times and you killed him, enemy jungler ganked a few times and you killed him too. Btw, when you are getting attacked by 4 enemies at the same time, just stay under your turret. Try to heal and flash manually to dodge important skillshots.
So, the tips for late game:
- In teamfights, keep your distance. Keep attacking from the back line. Keep an eye on the snares/stuns. Again, try to use heal and flash manually.
- Check for lanes which have to be pushed. When you are pushing a lane and your team is 4v5 at mid for example, tell them to just defend the turret and not to fight without you. When your team keeps them busy, you can push the lane. Eventually, you can get into the teamfight if it's needed.
- Focus objectives. Don't go into unnecessary teamfights. Do not chase enemies.
- Try to secure baron. An example is: when you are 5v3 and your team is half/full hp, rush baron. Secure it. If you can, end the game. Otherwise, recall, finish build and win the next teamfight. Baron can also be done when you are 5v5 and your team is pretty in front. Again, there are a lot of situations. Those are just examples.
Uhhmm.. ofcourse there are a lot more tips and there a lot of different situations. At the end it's all about experience. Read some other guides on the internet, those are more helpfull then vids and streams.
I hope I have helped you.
Edited by Jocker, 01 November 2016 - 09:33 PM.
Since I dont want to be a leecher, I am contributing a guide I made about what you have to do as a good ad-carry while using scripts.
This guide is based on my own opinion and game experience. Any tip/feedback is more than welcome. I hope you guys like it, have fun reading it!
(Read this before you skip to the tips, please) I also struggled in the beginning, scripting kinda gave me the feeling that I could destroy my enemy very easily, but this wasn't true.
See it like this; scripts auto attacks for you, calculates for you and does the mechanics for you. Only when you are very fed and you got a champ like kalista for example you can destroy your enemies very easily. Other than this, your attack speed is still very low early game, your dmg is low early game, you aren't faster or more tanky or whatever. See scripting as a tool for your utility, awareness, mechanics and cs-ing. So in other words, you don't get superpowers.
Ok, now you know this, I'm going to give you some very helpfull tips (ADC-ROLE):
- The most important tip, I read it somewhere once, DO NOT DIE. Even if your teammembers are dying a lot, make sure you do not die. Try to minimalize that.
- Mute everyone, you can keep your support unmuted if it isn't an annoying fck. This will help you concentrate on the game instead of the chat. I didn't believe this, but this actually helps a lot.
- Tell your support to rush Sightstone immediately. You need the vision to know if you can go in to get a kill, to push and get the tower and to know when to back off. A common mistake is that adc's are staying too far away from their own side without vision and get caught by the jungler/roaming mid-laner.
- Try to poke the enemy team. When you are winning trades, I recommend to last hit the minions (also called: freezing the lane) instead of clearing the waves. It prevents the enemy adc to cs. Why not to push? Because this won't prevent the enemy team from cs-ing.
If you do push and keep poking the enemy under their own turret, make sure you got the vision you need. If you don't have the vision you can get caught by the enemy jungler. This is the common mistake I just mentioned. I also recommend to stay on the right side of bot lane, because junglers like sejuani can flash and cc you.
If you want to go back to get some items, then I recommend to push the lane and recall. This will buy you some time and you won't really lose minon waves.
- If you can't really poke or getting too much damage when you are trying to poke, just lay back on your own side and keep farming. A good cs is very important, because it gets you the money to buy your items.
- MAP AWARENESS. Try to check your map every 5 seconds. Just keep checking top and mid. Sometimes you will see the enemy jungler ganking top. If you also still can see the mid laner, this means nobody is gonna gank you and you could go in to get yourself a kill or two (ofcourse, when you are sure about it, like when your support tresh lands a nice hook, blitz a good grab, leona a nice stun etc.. or when the enemy adc is low hp and you are full hp or you got more items.. as you can see there are a lot of situations possible).
- MAP AWARENESS. Keep an eye on your own jungler. If he is trying to gank, and you are sure about the situation, go in with your support and clear bot lane. Don't get too greedy tho, if the enemy adc or support flashes away under their turret, don't chase them if you aren't sure about the kill. Just let it go. You already won the trade.
- Ask your support or jungler for constant vision on drake. This way you can secure drake. I recommend to go for drake when you and your jungler are full hp and bot lane is low or when you killed bot lane or when their jungler died, etc etc.. there are a lot of situations, try to figure them out for yourself.
Ok, this is pretty early game, mid game you should already be really fed. You got nice cs, you got a lot of kills at bot lane, enemy mid roamed a few times and you killed him, enemy jungler ganked a few times and you killed him too. Btw, when you are getting attacked by 4 enemies at the same time, just stay under your turret. Try to heal and flash manually to dodge important skillshots.
So, the tips for late game:
- In teamfights, keep your distance. Keep attacking from the back line. Keep an eye on the snares/stuns. Again, try to use heal and flash manually.
- Check for lanes which have to be pushed. When you are pushing a lane and your team is 4v5 at mid for example, tell them to just defend the turret and not to fight without you. When your team keeps them busy, you can push the lane. Eventually, you can get into the teamfight if it's needed.
- Focus objectives. Don't go into unnecessary teamfights. Do not chase enemies.
- Try to secure baron. An example is: when you are 5v3 and your team is half/full hp, rush baron. Secure it. If you can, end the game. Otherwise, recall, finish build and win the next teamfight. Baron can also be done when you are 5v5 and your team is pretty in front. Again, there are a lot of situations. Those are just examples.
Uhhmm.. ofcourse there are a lot more tips and there a lot of different situations. At the end it's all about experience. Read some other guides on the internet, those are more helpfull then vids and streams.
I hope I have helped you.
Edited by Jocker, 01 November 2016 - 09:33 PM.