Crypto Wallet Engineer
400 XP
How to Darius. 1. Summoner Spells -Flash, Teleport -Flash, Ignite 2. Runes -9x +0.95 attack damage Greater Mark of Attack Damage -6x -0.83% cooldowns Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction -3x +2.25 attack damage Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage -9x +0.16 magic resist per level Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist -9x +1 armor Greater Seal of Armor 3. Masteries -Offense: 21 -Fury 4/s points -Sorcery 4/4 points -Expose Weakness 1/1 points -Brute Foce 3/3 points -Martial Mastery 1/1 points -Executioner 3/3 points -Dangerous Game 1/1 points -Devastating Strikes 3/3 points -Havoc 1/1 points -Defense: 9 -Block 2/2 points -Swiftness 2/2 points -Unyielding 1/1 points -Veteran's Scars 3/3 points -Juggernaut 1/1 points -Utility: 0 4. Abilities Q,E,W,Q,Q,R,Q,E,Q,E,R,E,E,W,W,R,W,W 5. Items -Standard items with flash, ignite: -Crystalline Flask, Health Potions, Warding Totem (Trinket) -Standard items with flash, teleport: -Crystalline Flask, Health Potions, Cloth Armor, Warding Totem (Trinket) -Core Items Damage: -The Black Cleaver, Titanic Hydra, Mercury's Treads, Dead Man's Plate, Spirit Visage, Sterak's Cage -Core Items Tank: -The Black Cleaver, Mercury's Treads, Spirit Visage, Dead Man's Plate, Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen -Elixirs -Elixir of ruin for seige power -Iron for tenacity -Wrath for damage 6. Most Known Matchups -Renekton - Medium Dont let him stack fury he will do twice the damage. Just dont let him even touch minions -Fiora - Medium Try to Q her as much as possible should be able to win if you dodge Riposte you are fine it will slow your attack speed and as it already is low you will not be able to attack He can be a real pain in the ass some times, the range and the speed from his W Hyper and also when he switches to Mega Gnar he gets a health boost and even gets a stun. His E Hop is a great ascape tool so he is really hard to catch. if you try the Anti Flash And Dash Trick on his Hop it wont work he will simply jump over it -Gnar - Hard -Hecarim - Medium I think that hecarim vs darius is a even match up and should really be much about skill lvl. but i suggest that you try not to stay close to him when he has E activated -Riven - Medium The matchup is really about skill but if you lose first blood you have to play passive beacuse she can snowball really hard and thought to punish if she makes mistakes -Malphite - Easy Be prepared with alot of health pots. poke and keep control over the lane -Rumble - Hard You can out trade him just dodge his harpoons and his ult does insane damage it will melt you so always get out of it. I suggest rushing hexdrinker he will dish out alot of damage especially when he is overheated 7. Play Style -How to play Darius is an lane bully and should be played aggressive and always trade when he got full hp the trick is to keep the fight long as darius gets stronger the more stacks he got. Always try to hit Decimate with the blade as you do more damage you heal yourself and applies a stack of Hemorrhage on the target and you dont do it with the handle, with that said the times i have lost to riven is when a good riven player uses the shield dash into darius so she wont get hit by the blade and then out trade me. -Stack Combo Darius is all about getting those stacks to 5 as quick as possible on one target as he gets Noxian Might damage buff and can spread the Hemorrhage to all enemies with a single Decimate or just simply auto attack them, but it can be hard to get to 5 if you dont know some combos with darius. The most common misstake i see many darius players dont do is using Crippling strike as an auto attack reset, it is crucial to use the reset with Crippling strike as his auto attack speed is so slow and will give you 1 more stack in the same time. -How to combo: Q, E, auto attack, W and auto attack that will give you 4 stacks and the apponent will be slowed for both auto attacks. and if you got Black Cleaver you will be able to land a 2nd Decimate at the end. If you got Titanic Hydra it can also be used as a auto attck reset.
Edited by haxorwannabe, 25 October 2015 - 04:45 PM.
Edited by haxorwannabe, 25 October 2015 - 04:45 PM.