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How to Create Decent-Looking Characters in Skyrim


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Most people who play Skyrim are obsessed with their character's appearance, often going way too far with mods and editing.
It's gotten to the point where 'showracemenu' is always typed in the console?
You're never satisfied with your Dovahkiin's looks?
Then this is the post for you!
To begin with, what not to do:
Overusing war-paint, makeup, and greasy female mods.
Your average "Don't Do This" character will look something like this:
People try so hard to make their characters look like supermodels, which is not what you need to do. Would Kylie Jenner be an immersive Skyrim character?
I think not!
Work on making your character look like she would fit in Skyrim, without making her a total barbarian.
Another common mistake is turning the Jaw Width and height down to 0.
To some, strong jaws are unnatractive, and frankly, unladylike.
But by turning it up to a 3 or 4, you're actually making a nice, average look.
Turning it down all the way will give your lovely lady a malformed appearance, especially with the RaceMenu mod (which I totally reccomend).
It really depends on the race and personality of your Dragonborn, so avoid making your Nord Barbarian an anime loli.
What to Do:
Just think of a naturally beautiful, strong woman. If she's a Redguard, think towards middle-eastern or south-African beauty standards.
Brown or black eyes are great, but depending on which part of Hammerfell or where her family is from, you might switch to a dark green or vibrant blue.
Sharp features are encouraged!
With Nords, think 'Viking.' Pale skin and blonde or red hair is a go-to for Nord women. Blue or green eyes are encouraged here! Strong, sharp features are both attractive and lore-friendly, so don't hold back on sharp noses and cheekbones!
For Bretons, try to make her look 'soft.' Round faces and plump or thin lips are good. As for eyes, I personally like to use a really deep blue, but use whatever tickles your fancy! Brown or black hair is good as well, but a curly pale blonde is grea, too.
Imperials, defined noses. Green or brown eyes are best.
With Dark Elves, don't try to erase the wrinkles and sharp features, instead, use them! You can make her look young without removing what makes them Dunmer! Think of all the trauma her race has endured over the past 200 years. Think of families split apart by ash and magma, children crying for their dead mothers and fathers astride a moldy boat, Skyrim bound. Use it! Make them see the terror and sorrow in her eyes.
There are a lot of opportunities when it comes to High Elves, as you can make a mean-looking character, but actually make her a kind and softhearted person. White and blonde hair are go-to with Altmer, though red hair is good as well. Green, gold,or orange eyes are perfect! Sharpest features are a must, as she wouldn't be Altmer without them.
With wood elves, try not to make a forest-nymph girl, but rather a woodland savage with an ethereal beauty about her.
Green and brown eyes are the best for this particular race.
For Orcs, don't make her feminine. If you want something sweet and pretty, choose another race! The savage beauty in her battle prowess is what makes her Orsimer.
Don't name her "Lindsay" or something. Despite this post being about looks, the perfect name can define your character!
Always use something lore-friendly.
With nords, a "J" (pronounced "Yuh") is a perfect choice. (Exa. Vilja, Marri, Jana)
For Bosmer, there are lots of "Ei's" (Pronounced Ay) and "Yns" (In) so use at least one of those. (Exa. Faerwyn, Leweila, Thaeriel)
With Bretons, think "French." Lots of "Ettes" and "Ines" (In, eye'n, or een) (Exa. Claudette, Evaline, Selene)
Altmer, lots of "Aels" (Ay-ell) "Renns" and "Ya's." (Ex. Anrael, Ayrenn, Nirya)
Dunmer, there are many "Ys's" "Iah's" "U's" and "I's" (Ex. Barenziah, Falanu, Veremethys, Adrasi)
For Redguards, use "An's" "Ir's" (Ear) and "Aadia's" (Ex. Iman, Amir, Saadia)
With Orcs, think of something crude and brutal. Enough said.
If you think I left anything out, just tell me!



