First Blood Expert
900 XP
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4) FAQ's
1- the username and pass of the nfa account should be working and be with you , u will also require to enter the game for some info so the account should not be locked , and u need to guess the
email being used on the account , and if u bought it the person whom u bought from ask from him , to guess u can match the username to the email or the pass to the email to which the account
is connected. if u don't have these then its impossible to convert it unlucky.
2) STEPS (written in a,b,c,d,e .....)
a) firstly I consider u already have the things i mentioned above now u need to go onto , riot player support and sign out first
b) create a ticket and set it to account recovery
c) now here is what u have to fill in each fill up box -YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS - in this fill the email to which u want the account to be attached , CAUTION - no valorant account should be attached to this email
-REGION - region of the nfa account , which u can obtain by launching the game and checking servers
-HOW DID YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT?- here select hacked/compromised/locked account
-LOGIN NAME (USERNAME): here is basically your account username which u use to login to the nfa account
-WHATS IS YOUR FULL RIOT ID, INCLUDE YOUR TAG (EX: RIOTGAMES # NA1): this u can get by launching the game and checking your ign
-YOUR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS: here again the same email to which u want it as the above one
-YOUR DATE OF BIRTH ON THE ACCOUNT EX. JAN/01/1986- here comes the hard part either u have to ask the person u bought from or if u can enter the settings then it will be easy or u will have to put a random bday which u think could be the one
-LAST TIME YOU HAD ACCESS TO THE ACCOUNT? EX. AUG/01/2019- put the last date u played on
-WHO MADE THIS ACCOUNT?- the username just put the username
-ALL POSSIBLE EMAILS USED TO CREATE ACCOUNT- here comes the main part now here put the email u guessed or think might be used i would not recommend guessing this so only put this when u are sure abt the old used email
-ACCOUNT CREATION DATE (EX. AUG 20 2019) OR RECALL A SIGNIFICANT GAME EVENT AROUND THE SAME TIME- now for this launch the game and check the league and stuff and the skins it contains and guess the season like ACT and just write the ACT saying u don't remember the date clearly
-LOCATION WHERE THE ACCOUNT WAS CREATED (CITY, COUNTRY)- USA for NA , and for EU accounts write Europe for other accounts just write a the country which is main of the shard
-HAS ANYONE ELSE EVER PLAYED ON THE ACCOUNT? (INCLUDING FRIENDS/FAMILY):- there are two ways to do here now in my experience where I converted from nfa to fa I wrote No here but u can also write my brother or make a valid looking reason but I would recommend writing No
-DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW YOU LOST ACCESS TO THIS ACCOUNT?- write I don't know but today morning I got a email and my email which was attached to the account was compromised and I can no longer access it so please help me change it to the one I have access to right now or smth like this okay?
-HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IN GAME CURRENCY(RP/VP/COINS ETC)?- here do yes and it will show u some more questions
-WHAT WAS THE FIRST THING YOU SPENT IT ON, BE SPECIFIC: this put a random skin name of vandal from your account and say u don't remember it clearly
-EMAIL ADDRESS LINKED TO PAYPAL ACCOUNT(IF MULTIPLE PAYPAL ACCOUNTS, PLEASE ADD THESE EMAIL ADDRESSES AS WELL):for the next two questions related to PayPal and transactions say I don't know these I am only 15 and my dad did all these payments
-PHONE NUMBER, MOBILE PROVIDER, AND COUNTRY USED FOR SMS TRANSACTIONS:- here write country the same as above and don't write number or stuff
-now after u have left all this jump straight to subject
-SUBJECT- here just write account recovery
-DESCRIPTION- here make a sad looking story abt how u logged in to play this morning but u found out ur email is compromised and password is changed to and say please help me change my email to the one i have access to right now make sure u make it look real and sound like a helpless 15 year old
- click on submit the ticket and check ur email for a automated message
3) PROCEDURE- Now if u have done everything properly u are halfway there , now sit back and wait for a mail from riot agent , and he will say that he needs more info and ask you these questions -
-as a valorant player
-FIRST AGENT UNLOCKED?- if all agents are unlocked on your account then just say a random duelist like reyna or say smoker like omen and then write but I don't clearly rememeber
-WHAT WAS THE FIRST GUN BUDDY YOU UNLOCKED?- iron buddy because that's the one which could be unlocked otherwise it depends upon the account u have
-WHAT WAS THE FIRST GUN SKIN YOU EVOLVED USING RADIANITE POINTS?- write the names of two fully upgraded skins and then say I don't remember properly and if account has no upgradable skins then write it doesn't have
Now wait again for prolly 2-3 hours and he will respond saying that he has changed the email and password reset has been sent to your email, now just change the pass and enjoy ur fa account :)
a) How do we know this will work? ---- I have tried this and got fa accounts and that's why I can confirm this works but u will have to follow the steps clearly and execute the plan properly.
b) I am not getting a respond from riot? ------- it can take more time too personally mine took 4.5 hours so u just have to keep checking your mail and wait