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How to appear offline with cmd!


Signal Intelligence Expert
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Hi guys, my team and i recently discovered a better / easier way to appear offline and wanted to share it with you.
This will disconnect your PVP Chat so your friend's won't be able to tell you are online, it's perfect for booster's or for people who have friends bugging them to duo and they'd rather just be left alone in peace from time to time
This requires no program and is not a "hack" it just block's your computer from connecting to the LoL Chat server so when you are logged in you will see "disconnected from pvp chat" at the bottom of your client. It changes nothing during live games. You can turn it on or off in the matter of seconds then relog to have your chat turned back on or back off.
Step 1
Open your command prompt as admin (cmd.exe) Make sure you right click it and press "Run as Administrator"
Step 2.
For NA (North America) copy the string of text below,
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
For EUW (Europe West) copy the string of text below,
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
Once you have copied the text above right click inside the black command prompt box, click paste and then hit enter. You should see "Ok." appear in the command box afterwards.
Boomzie Done! - Now when you open league of legends you will be appearing offline, keep in mind if you did this when you were already signed in you will need to close LoL and re-open for it to take effect.
How to change it back and appear online as normal to allow your lovely friends to see you again?
Open your command prompt (cmd.exe) as an Administrator the same way you did it before and copy the text below and hit enter,
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat"
Done! This will simply delete the "rule" you created previously that was preventing your Chat from connecting.
Having a problem getting it to work?
You either entered the wrong string into cmd.exe OR you did not run cmd.exe as administrator to enable your firewall.
Do you want to appear offline on a different server that i did not provide here?
Right click on your league of legends icon and click "Open File Location"
Navigate to RADS > Projects > lol_air_client_config_[your server here] > releases > > deploy > lol.properties
Open lol.properties (sometimes named just "lol") using notepad or any text editor, look for where it says xmpp_server_url= and copy the next URL, in my case it is chat.na2.lol.riotgames.com but will be different for you if your not looking under NA.
Open the command prompt again (cmd.exe) as an administrator and type in,
ping [your url] For example for me i'd type ping chat.na2.lol.riotgames.com
Press enter and it will Ping the chat server you typed in giving you the IP address, "Pinging URL [IP here]
Now you will do the same process explained above but switching the IP since you aren't using NA or EUW, replace INSERT_IP_HERE with the IP from your ping.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteip=INSERT_IP_HERE protocol=TCP action=block
Note: When you are appearing offline you won't be able to receive messages from anyone on your friends list or send messages to anyone on your friends list. People who have you added won't see you online, your name would appear under their "offline" list. You can still invite friends to games by manually typing their summoner name into the Invite box. The only downside to this is your chat in the Pre-game lobby will not work but it doesn't matter much anymore due to team builder you don't really have to discuss who is taking which role. (Your chat WILL work while in game as it normally would)
Hopefully this is helpful to someone, post below if you have any problems and i'll try to assist



