Anime Gacha Strategist
300 XP
Ever wanted to play a game of League of Legends without your wood 5 friend bothering you? Ever wanted to play but no one knows you're online ?
Then this guide is for you !
Run CMD as admin.
Appear offline activation:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
Appear offline deactivation:
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat
Do keep in mind that this disconnects you from the PVP.net chat server; preventing you from talking in the queue lobby before a game "Champion select". However chatting in the actual game works just fine.
TIP: You can make two [.bat] extension files and paste the statements in them, one code for each [.bat] file, this way you will have an activation & deactivation for the chat, just and easier way to do the trick.
Then this guide is for you !
Run CMD as admin.
Appear offline activation:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
Appear offline deactivation:
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat
Do keep in mind that this disconnects you from the PVP.net chat server; preventing you from talking in the queue lobby before a game "Champion select". However chatting in the actual game works just fine.
TIP: You can make two [.bat] extension files and paste the statements in them, one code for each [.bat] file, this way you will have an activation & deactivation for the chat, just and easier way to do the trick.