User Retention Expert
100 XP
I found 'em in my old Google Drive.I d like to share it with you .Its an old trick but it still works.
This is a patched termsrv.dll that allows more than two RDP sessions to 1 Windows
1. Either boot into Safe mode or stop the remote desktop services. To stop the service, right click on My Computer and select Manage, go to services(you can also go to services directly by entering services.msc in Start->Run). In services, double click on "Remote Desktop Services" and stop it.
2. Go to C:\Windows\system32\dllcache and __if__ termsrv.dll file is present __then__ rename it to termsrv.dll.bak.
You may need to take ownership of the file by right click on the file and select "properties" and go to Security->Advanced-> change owner to you account. (The account needs to be a local Administrator of the machine.)
3. Go to C:\Windows\System32 folder and rename the termsrv.dll to termsrv.dll.bak
Again, you might need to change the ownership of the file like in the previous step.
4. Open regedit.exe, go to Start->RUN and type regedit and press enter.
If any of the entries does not exist, you NEED to create it!
5. In regedit, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing Core" registry and create a new DWORD key "EnableConcurrentSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1.
6. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" registry and create a new DWORD key "EnableConcurrentSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1 and also create another DWORD key "AllowMultipleTSSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1 too.
7. Now right click on My Computer and go to Properties->Remote. Enable allow remote connections and select the users for whom you want to enable Remote Desktop Services.
9. Restart windows.
10. Now enable RDP and allow it through the firewall!
This is a patched termsrv.dll that allows more than two RDP sessions to 1 Windows
1. Either boot into Safe mode or stop the remote desktop services. To stop the service, right click on My Computer and select Manage, go to services(you can also go to services directly by entering services.msc in Start->Run). In services, double click on "Remote Desktop Services" and stop it.
2. Go to C:\Windows\system32\dllcache and __if__ termsrv.dll file is present __then__ rename it to termsrv.dll.bak.
You may need to take ownership of the file by right click on the file and select "properties" and go to Security->Advanced-> change owner to you account. (The account needs to be a local Administrator of the machine.)
3. Go to C:\Windows\System32 folder and rename the termsrv.dll to termsrv.dll.bak
Again, you might need to change the ownership of the file like in the previous step.
4. Open regedit.exe, go to Start->RUN and type regedit and press enter.
If any of the entries does not exist, you NEED to create it!
5. In regedit, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing Core" registry and create a new DWORD key "EnableConcurrentSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1.
6. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" registry and create a new DWORD key "EnableConcurrentSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1 and also create another DWORD key "AllowMultipleTSSessions" without quotes and enter its value as 1 too.
7. Now right click on My Computer and go to Properties->Remote. Enable allow remote connections and select the users for whom you want to enable Remote Desktop Services.
9. Restart windows.
10. Now enable RDP and allow it through the firewall!