Code Coverage Analyst
200 XP
Okay so I'm new to crypto I joined when LUNA collapsed, maybe a week before that, saw it do a dead cat bounce made like X10 and then lost it all. Put some money into APE when it jumped to 25 and had a nice time, now I've been DCAing into: XRP/AAVE/APT/AD/SUSHI/SNX/SYN/RUNE/SOL, basically a lot of alternative coins mainly in DeFi https://omegle.onl/ https://xender.vip/ .
I wanted to ask you all an honest to God question, are the gains as insane as I heard they can be in crypto during a true bull run? And if so, what stops you from looking at a shitcoin that X100 overnight and throw all your savings at it because why not X1000?
My question essentially is how does your portfolio look like at the start? At the end? And how do you make it so that this change makes you the most profit?
Edited by denji0, 15 April 2023 - 02:06 PM.
I wanted to ask you all an honest to God question, are the gains as insane as I heard they can be in crypto during a true bull run? And if so, what stops you from looking at a shitcoin that X100 overnight and throw all your savings at it because why not X1000?
My question essentially is how does your portfolio look like at the start? At the end? And how do you make it so that this change makes you the most profit?
Edited by denji0, 15 April 2023 - 02:06 PM.