Binary Optimization Specialist
400 XP
I have decided to reveal my secrets so everyone can SE correctly. REVELIO!
- This is for educational purposes only.
- I am not responsible for anything that happens to you otherwise. I may help you in the process of SE'ing Logitech, but responsibility will be on you - the social engineer- if anything were to happen
[1] Preferably try to SE a product that is under 100$. This is because, often, the company will not try to get you to ship it back due to the low cost. With that said, it is possible to SE anything above but will be much harder.
[2]This is from my personal examples of SE'ing, but I've had the most success when the representative was female. Don't know if it was a coincidence or if it's something well noting.
[3] Try to call them rather than doing the chat.
[4] Always be polite while talking to them. The last person you want to aggravate is the person whom you're trying to SE.
With that said, let's begin.
[1] Getting the Serial Number
This one is relatively simple. The Serial Number (SN) is the product identifier. You can get some here on Nulled.
Note:Make sure the SN is still under warranty.
[2] Calling them up
ForUS this is the number (1(646)454-3200).
[3] Talking to the representative (rep)
This is what the conversation should look like
"Hi, this is______ from Logitech customer service, how may I help you?"
"Hello _____ , I was just using my Logitech (mouse/keyboard/headset) and _______
(You can use any reason that may make it seem that the product is faulty. e.g mouse double clicks, escape key not working, or sound quality sounds really bad all of a sudden)"
"Can you describe the problem"?
"Yes, the mouse was working perfectly up to an hour ago. Now, when I left click, the mouse registers as a double click. This is particularly annoying when trying to drag files."
Now the repis going to ask for the Serial Numberand you will give it to the rep
[4] Troubleshooting
This is where the rep's going to ask you if you've troubleshooted.
Just say "yes, I've tried that but it still does not work"to each of his questions.
Now there are going to be two options.
1. Rep's going to ask you to ship it back
2. Rep's going to send you a new product
What to do when you're dealt with situation ?
You can do either of 3 things
1. Box them
2. Make a creative reason on why you can't send it back. If you are going to use this reason, be careful
with the "blood" excuse. I know some companies - such as EVGA- will consider the product stained with blood as a
bio-hazard and will not accept the product while not sending a refund or RMA.
One excuse I've used is"I'm part of a semi-professional gaming team and really need to use this (product) all the time. Thus, I can't send it back"
3. Repeat step 3
This might be a pain, but if you keep calling, a Rep's going to eventually send the product without asking you to send in the product. For me personally, it took 3 tries to get them to send me the mouse (G903)
If you get scenario 2 in response, great! You got your free product!
Also, if you're going to SE more than twice, I recommend using a reship.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to post any questions or suggestions!
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May the Secretsbe WITH YOU
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