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Infrastructure Monitoring Expert
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LEVEL 1 500 XP
Streaming mode Back - Hide all the drawings: ls: // project / nouser / LeagueSharp / StreamSharp / (I have not test test ae then learn it) -Ezevade: Ls: // project / soulcaliber / LeagueSharp / ezEvade / Ass escape skills dodging enemy -SFX Utility and SFXLibrary: First SFXLibrary: ls: // project / Lizzaran / LeagueSharp-Dev / SFXLibrary / After Installing SFXLibrary, Then Set Add SFXUtility: ls: // project / Lizzaran / LeagueSharp-Dev / SFXUtility / Ass track enemy movement variables - time skills in speed variable types ostriches discovered gank. Error DC BugSplat extremely reduced, not lagging fps -Activator #: Ls: // project / xKurisu / KurisuSolutions / Activator / Automatically heal punish, using the self-activated items like sword bearer bla bla bla hourglass .... Gank -Universal Alerter: ls: // project / TheSaltyWaffle / LeagueSharp / UniversalGankAlerter / avoid enemy ambush surprise then: v (aka countergank) -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- AD -Kalista (IKalista): ls: // project / DZ191 / LSharpDZiJava / iKalista / -Vayne (Hunter Vayne Reborn): ls: // project / DZ191 / LeagueSharp / VayneHunter% 20Reborn / -Jinx, Ezreal, Sivir, Graves, Ashe, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune and Caitlyn (Onekeytowin_AIO): ls: // project / OneKeyToWin / LeagueRepo / OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby / -Corki (ElCorki): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / ElCorki / -Draven (MoonDraven): ls: // project / ChewyMoon / ChewyMoonScripts / MoonDraven / -Tristana (PewPewTristana): ls: // project / ScienceARK / LeagueSharp / PewPewTristana / -Twitch (Twitch #): ls: // project / TC-Crew / L-Assemblies / Twitch / -Lucian (Korean Lucian): ls: // project / PastelComCoca / LeagueSharp / Korean% 20Lucian / -Quinn (PewPewQuinn): ls: // project / ScienceARK / LeagueSharp / PewPewQuinn / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MID -Cassiopeia (CassioXD): ls: // project / BaFuSs / LeagueSharp / CassioXD / -Xerath (Xerath by Kortatu): ls: // project / Esk0r / LeagueSharp / Xerath / -Syndra (Syndra by Kortatu): ls: // project / Esk0r / LeagueSharp / Syndra / -Viktor (Apollo Viktor): ls: // project / Apollo16 / LeagueSharp / Viktor / -Zed (Zed is Back): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / Ze-D% 20is% 20Back / -LeBlanc (LeBlanc by xQx): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / Leblanc / -Katarina, Akali, Cho'Gath and Azir (xSaliceResurrected): ls: // project / xSalice / LSharp / xSaliceResurrected / -Ahri (AhriSharp): ls: // project / Beaving / LeagueSharp / AhriSharp / -Annie (KoreanAnnie): ls: // project / PastelComCoca / LeagueSharp / Korean% 20Annie / -Orianna (Orianna by Kortatu): ls: // project / Esk0r / LeagueSharp / Orianna / -Twisted Fate (Twisted Fate by Kortatu): ls: // project / Esk0r / LeagueSharp / TwistedFate / -Yasuo (Brian Sharp): ls: // project / brian0305 / LeagueSharp / Brian% 20Sharp / -Vel'Koz (Vel'Koz by Kortatu): ls: // project / Esk0r / LeagueSharp / Velkoz% 20Assembly / -Lux (Magical Girl Lux): ls: // project / ScienceARK / LeagueSharp / MagicalGirlLux / -Diana (ElDiana): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / ElDiana / -Ekko (EloFactory Ekko): ls: // project / EloFactory / LeagueSharp / EloFactory_Ekko / -Fizz (OneKeyToFish): ls: // project / ChewyMoon / ChewyMoonScripts / OneKeyToFish / -Varus (ElVarus): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / Elvarus / -Brand (DatBrand): ls: // project / GoldenGatesPB / league-sharp / DatBrand / -Talon (ElTalon): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElTalon / ElTalon / -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Top -Ryze (The Slutty Ryze): ls: // project / HoesLeaguesharp / LeagueSharp / Slutty% 20Ryze / -Riven (Kurisu Riven): ls: // project / xKurisu / KurisuSolutions / KurisuRiven / -Gnar (Gnar Hamster of Doom): ls: // project / Hellsing / LeagueSharp / Gnar / -Irelia (Irelia Reloaded): ls: // project / ChewyMoon / ChewyMoonScripts / Irelia% 20Reloaded / -Lissandra (SephLissandra): ls: // project / SephLeague / LeagueSharp / SephLissandra / -Fiora (5A1S-Fiora): ls: // project / badao / Fiora / Fiora / -Karthus (KarthusSharp): ls: // project / Beaving / LeagueSharp / KarthusSharp / -Maokai (Brian Sharp): ls: // project / brian0305 / LeagueSharp / Brian% 20Sharp / -Renekton (Dat Renekton): ls: // project / GoldenGatesPB / league-sharp / DatRenekton / -Jayce (XSaliceResurrected): ls: // project / xSalice / LSharp / xSaliceResurrected / -Urgot And Darius (Onekeytowin_AIO): ls: // project / OneKeyToWin / LeagueRepo / OneKeyToWin_AIO_Sebby / -Vladimir (ElVladimir: Reborn): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / ElVladimirReborn / -Kennen (Underrated Champions AIO): ls: // project / Soresu / LeagueSharp / UnderratedAIO / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jungle -Sejuani (ElSejuani): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / ElSejuani / -Rengar (ElRengar): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElRengar / ElRengar / -Gragas (Lady Gragas): ls: // project / ScienceARK / LeagueSharp / LadyGragas / -Nidalee (Kurisuu Nidalee): ls: // project / xKurisu / KurisuSolutions / KurisuNidalee / -Rek'Sai (Rek'Sai by TehBlaxxor): ls: // project / TehBlaxxor / LeagueSharp / Rek'Sai / -Lee Sin (Master of Insecs): ls: // project / sergigandia / zeroRepository / MasterOfInsec / Micro (Vi by xQx): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / Vi / -Jarvan IV and Warwick (Brian Sharp): ls: // project / brian0305 / LeagueSharp / Brian% 20Sharp / -Amumu (AmumuSharp): ls: // project / Beaving / LeagueSharp / AmumuSharp / -Master Yi (Master Yi by xQx): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / MasterYi / -Kayle (SephKayle): ls: // project / SephLeague / LeagueSharp / SephKayle / -Pantheon (Pantheon by xQx): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / Pantheon / -Volibear (Underrated Champions AIO): ls: // project / Soresu / LeagueSharp / UnderratedAIO / -Shyvana (JustShyvana): ls: // project / Justyyy / LeagueSharp / JustShyvana / -Elise (D-Elise): ls: // project / xQxCPMxQx / LeagueSharp2 / D-Elise / -Evelynn (Evelynn #): ls: // project / TC-Crew / L-Assemblies / Evelynn / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT -Blitzcrank (Kurisu Blitzcrank): ls: // project / xKurisu / KurisuSolutions / KurisuBlitz / -Morgana (Kurisu Morgana): ls: // project / xKurisu / KurisuSolutions / KurisuMorgana / -Janna And Braum (Support is Easy): ls: // project / h3h3 / LeagueSharp / Support / -Thresh (The Chain Warden): ls: // project / SwipeDan / LeagueSharp / 20-% 20The% thresh% 20Chain% 20Warden / -Leona (ElEasy): ls: // project / AlterEgojQuery / ElBundle / ElEasy / -Soraka (Sophie's Soraka): ls: // project / ChewyMoon / ChewyMoonScripts / Sophie's% 20Soraka / Update 31/7 -Stealth Detector: ls: // project / SuperKaisers / KaiserSharp / Stealth% 20Detector Automatic plug purple eyes upon enemy approaching your stealth, very good when in Combat: D The Minister ass support: Rengar Ult Akali W Q Shaco Khazix R Talon R Wukong W Vayne Q Q Twitch Leblanc -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- This is summarized all the people were poorly ass and make a judgment about it is perfect, regular updates: D 1 Comment and 1 Like if it helped you



