Save Scummer
100 XP
- In-game readme and changelog.
- Fully supports both SxOrbWalk and SAC:R.
- Supports all of Heimerdinger's spells and upgraded spells.
- Minimum enemy sliders for upgraded Q and E.
- Target health slider for upgraded W.
- Hitchance sliders for W and E.
- Has Combo and Harass mode.
- Offensive item casting during combo and harass mode.
- Auto defensive item casting.
- Auto potion casting.
- Killstealing with W and E.
- Drawing for all spell ranges.
- Slider for W fan percent.
- 0.0: Cast in front of hero.
- 0.5: Cast half-way between hero and target.
- 1.0: Cast at target.
- Fully supports the following predictions.
- VPrediction/DivinePred/HPrediction/SPrediction.
- Prediction library must already be in your common folder to be used, only VPrediction will auto-download.
- Client-side skins (credits to
- Change between all of Heimerdinger's skins.
- Load skin at start of game.
- Random skin at start of game.
- Auto spell leveling.
- Drop-down for before level three orders.
- Drop-down for after level three orders.
- Toggles to disable at start of the game.