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Healing the scripts (Soraka Guide)


Load Testing Specialist
E Rep
E Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
Soraka is very easy to pick up and very very strong with just an evade script. Give it a try next time you are forced to support. Helped me reach Master tier recently, so I decided to share with you guys how I did it

This is your best friend. In clustered fights, when it becomes hard to click on your target. A good way to aim heal is by clicking on your teammates portraits. Now you won't heal that minion...
At level 6, take time to look at your friendly's health bar to turn unfavorable trades around or just grab some free assists with Wish. Warding
Start of Lane Phase
Remember to always use your Warding Totem] to avoid jungle ganks. Try to alternate warding totem with your ADC to keep an eye on River at all times. Warding totems last 60 seconds and have a 120 seconds cooldown, if timed right you and your ADC should have this point permanently warded.
First Back At this point you should have 1-2 Stealth ward and a vision ward or even better a Sightstone.
General Warding Spots
How to play Soraka 1. TURN ON EVADE This will let you have the easiest time in all lane match ups as long as you follow these following steps 2. DO NOT STAND IN FRONT OF ADC Make sure to position yourself behind the ADC. Depending on the lane match up judge how healthy you want your ADC to be. (The more burst the healthier you want your ADC)
The only exception to this is if the ADC is very low and requires you to zone. Stay behind the red line. 3. UNLOCK ULTY AND SCREEN This is when you should unlock your ulty and your screen. Use:
To find opportunity to ulty 4. TEAMFIGHTING Look to group with your team, after a tower or two have been taken. Remember to ward constantly (refer to Warding). Remember to stay behind allies and make sure to heal them up when you are out of combat. Using E on Soraka can be tricky especially in teamfights. It can be used to cancel channels prevent AP from maximizing their damage, but most of the time the use of Soraka E is to zone. Making the enemy team either give up damage or risk getting CC'd Conclusion
Soraka as one of League of Legends' first supports, she hold a special places in my heart as of many older players alike. She has gone through a lot of changes throughout patches and she is more powerful than ever after this rework. Not only are her w and r skill very helpful for keeping allies alive, she now brings a potent AOE CC abiltity with her E. Since Soraka's W no longer increases armor, instead it will consume their own health when healing. This forces Soraka to hide behind the ADC and conserve her own health. Soraka's strength lies in drawn outfights, and therefor avoid fighting all ins as Soraka. Trade with the apposing laner and try to pot up or hit your Q to regen some HP before resuming the fight again. During the late game, Soraka should continue to heal up lower HP allies, and to protect her carries with her Q and E CC ability, a well placed E can completely change a teamfight. Another thing to note, is that Soraka will heal allies with lower HP for a higher amount so in combat avoid over healing, but don't leave them too low either to prevent them from getting picked off. Soraka is a passive champion that relies on out sustain the enemy, she is very strong in the current meta as tanks are unable to kill carries very efficiently. Good luck on rift! Until next time Nulled.io users.



