Patch Tester
1000 XP
Reason im posting here is because i cant post in trading station. Havent got that many posts yet so im posting here. Hope i dont bother anyone
Title says , i have 2 accs, one on eune and one on euw. I want one account on EUNE, very hq account
Im open to anyone that wants to buy my self leveled account aswell only accepting paypal!
EUNE account
Level : 57
Champions : 66
Skins : 17
RP : 20
BE : 2265
Rank : Silver II
EUW account
Level : 27
Champions : 15
Skins : 1 (dunkmaster darius)
BE: 1250
RP: 50
Please, dont ask for me to give free accounts! I want to trade or sell my account! PM me or add on discord for fast answer
Discord : warpme#1569
Title says , i have 2 accs, one on eune and one on euw. I want one account on EUNE, very hq account
Im open to anyone that wants to buy my self leveled account aswell only accepting paypal!
EUNE account
Level : 57
Champions : 66
Skins : 17
RP : 20
BE : 2265
Rank : Silver II
EUW account
Level : 27
Champions : 15
Skins : 1 (dunkmaster darius)
BE: 1250
RP: 50
Please, dont ask for me to give free accounts! I want to trade or sell my account! PM me or add on discord for fast answer
Discord : warpme#1569