SERP Dominator
400 XP
- Hello Guys, I'm the Pink Ranger and here is my guide to playing good Vayne.
Vayne * Vayne is a extremely mobile marksman with an outstanding top of the lane kit to back her up * Vayne outscales more then half of the other marksman champions * Vayne is extremely useful in the current tank style meta * Vayne has one of the highest marksman overall winrate * This is more of a general guideline of settings you should use/try. * Target Selector * Focus Selected Target: On * Only Attack Selected Target: Off * Selected Target color [Red]: On * Auto Arrange Priorities: On * Target Mode [In Lane]: Less Cast (Focus the ADC) * Target Mode [Team Fights]: Auto Priority or Less HP Orb Walker * Extra Windup Time: Should be 5 higher then your ping Example "50 ping = 55 Windup Delay * Farm Delay: 10-20 Always * Movement Delay: Always 30 if over 50ms 0 if lower then 50ms Combo * Use Q: On *Use E: On * Use R: Off - it's better to manually activate your ulti Harras * Use Q: On * Use E: On * Only Q if 2W stacks on Target: Off * Use E for third proc: On Misc Q (Tumble) * Q Logic: Kite Melees * Q to wall when possible(Mirin Mode): On * Try to QE when possible: On * Don't AA while stealthed: Use the hotkey for it (It's situational) * Don't Q into enemies: Off * Use dynamic Q safety distance: Off * Ignore Q checks: Off * Q for KS: ON E (Condemn) * Condemn method [VH Revolution] * E push distance: 405 * Accuracy: 33 * E next auto: Off * Only stun current target: Off * Auto E: On * Smart E KS: On [Don't E if target can be killed in x AA - 1] * Trinket bush on condemn: On * Peel with E when low health: Off * Condemn to J4 flag: Off *No E under enemy turret: Off General * Anti gapcloser: Off * Interrupter: On * Focus targets with 2W marks: On * Stealth reveal: On * Disable orbwalker movement: Off * Disable orbwalker attack: Off Try not to touch Activator or Cleanser; Utility Scripts that go with Vayne hunter * Tracker * EzEvade * Base recall * Humanizer [If needed, this can help slightly with movement delays]
After hours and hours of Customs, Normals & Ranked games I've found these to be the optimal settings for Vayne Hunter Assembly. Depending on your play style this may differ. Don't rely on [Spacebar] to automatically give you Freelo. If you use this script correctly I'm sure you can also reach [High Elo] Know when to use harras key - If enemy support misses a key spell E.G Hook on blitz/thresh. When to use your ulti in lane? Never just press R and go ham; Instead press spacebar for a trade and if it goes will then press R for the finally damage needed to secure the kill or force them to blow a summoner.
Scripts :
* Vayne Hunter :
* EzEvade :
* Tracker :
* Activator :
* Base Recall :
* Humanizer :
* OrbWalker :
Signed - iRangerPink
Vayne * Vayne is a extremely mobile marksman with an outstanding top of the lane kit to back her up * Vayne outscales more then half of the other marksman champions * Vayne is extremely useful in the current tank style meta * Vayne has one of the highest marksman overall winrate * This is more of a general guideline of settings you should use/try. * Target Selector * Focus Selected Target: On * Only Attack Selected Target: Off * Selected Target color [Red]: On * Auto Arrange Priorities: On * Target Mode [In Lane]: Less Cast (Focus the ADC) * Target Mode [Team Fights]: Auto Priority or Less HP Orb Walker * Extra Windup Time: Should be 5 higher then your ping Example "50 ping = 55 Windup Delay * Farm Delay: 10-20 Always * Movement Delay: Always 30 if over 50ms 0 if lower then 50ms Combo * Use Q: On *Use E: On * Use R: Off - it's better to manually activate your ulti Harras * Use Q: On * Use E: On * Only Q if 2W stacks on Target: Off * Use E for third proc: On Misc Q (Tumble) * Q Logic: Kite Melees * Q to wall when possible(Mirin Mode): On * Try to QE when possible: On * Don't AA while stealthed: Use the hotkey for it (It's situational) * Don't Q into enemies: Off * Use dynamic Q safety distance: Off * Ignore Q checks: Off * Q for KS: ON E (Condemn) * Condemn method [VH Revolution] * E push distance: 405 * Accuracy: 33 * E next auto: Off * Only stun current target: Off * Auto E: On * Smart E KS: On [Don't E if target can be killed in x AA - 1] * Trinket bush on condemn: On * Peel with E when low health: Off * Condemn to J4 flag: Off *No E under enemy turret: Off General * Anti gapcloser: Off * Interrupter: On * Focus targets with 2W marks: On * Stealth reveal: On * Disable orbwalker movement: Off * Disable orbwalker attack: Off Try not to touch Activator or Cleanser; Utility Scripts that go with Vayne hunter * Tracker * EzEvade * Base recall * Humanizer [If needed, this can help slightly with movement delays]
After hours and hours of Customs, Normals & Ranked games I've found these to be the optimal settings for Vayne Hunter Assembly. Depending on your play style this may differ. Don't rely on [Spacebar] to automatically give you Freelo. If you use this script correctly I'm sure you can also reach [High Elo] Know when to use harras key - If enemy support misses a key spell E.G Hook on blitz/thresh. When to use your ulti in lane? Never just press R and go ham; Instead press spacebar for a trade and if it goes will then press R for the finally damage needed to secure the kill or force them to blow a summoner.
Scripts :
* Vayne Hunter :
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