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Guide [ Twitch - ADC ]


Speedrun Tactician
T Rep
T Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
First of all, the only reason im making this guide is because i had and still have great success with Twitch - The Plague Rat, this Guide will not give you instant free elo as i just give you some tips on how to play him, of course you need to play some rounds to get good with him.
Why Should I Play Twitch ?
First of all, Twitch is a really fun to play ADC because of his stealth mechanic.
Second, his incredible Range + a Orbwalker is really, really strong.
Champion Abilities
Passive: Deadly Venom
Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing true damage each second Twitchs passive will allow you to win long fights as it get's really strong the more you attack the enemy. Don't forget that it caps at 6 stacks and you'll get tower aggro when the dot is still ticking on the enemy.
Q: Ambush
Cost: 60 Mana Cooldown: 16 Seconds Stealth Duration: 4/5/6/7/8 Attackspeed Buff after going out of Stealth: 30/40/50/60/70 % ACTIVE: For 1.5 seconds, Twitch attempts to enter stealth, which may be delayed by up to 4.5 seconds if he takes damage before he goes invisible. While in stealth , Twitch gains 20% bonus movement speed. Casting spells or attacking will end his stealth prematurely. When Twitch unstealths, he gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Ambush's cooldown is reset if an enemy dies while affected by Deadly Venom, and entering stealth cancels Twitch's current basic attack. Strong steroid that allows you to assasinate people and run away. Key note is it can allow you the ability to disengage from a fight and win trades on your terms. Max this right after your E.
W: Venom Cask
Range: 950 Cost: 50 Mana Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 ACTIVE: Twitch hurls a cask of venom at an area, infecting struck enemies with 2 stacks of Deadly Venom and slowing them for 3 seconds. Projectile Speed: 1400 As the range of this is very big, you can use this to chain CC with your support leading into good trades. Don't forget that it also applies 2 stacks of your passive, helping you reach the 6 stack limit. This is your only CC ability so you should use it defensively in teamfights to kite enemy champions.
E: Contaminate
RANGE: 1200 Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 Mana Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 ACTIVE: Twitch damages all nearby enemies afflicted by Deadly Venom, dealing physical damage equal to a base amount plus bonus damage for each stack of Deadly Venom on an enemy. Playing Twitch revolves around prime usage of Contaminate. Never use your E when your enemy have less than 3 stacks on himself. Any less and you're sacrificing mana for no damage. However, against Bitches like Caitlyn/Jinx you are allowed to spam Contaminate in order to make your trades worth it. During teamfights, you'll want to detonate Contaminate AFTER using Spray and Pray to detonate your stacks on multiple targets for a huge amount of damage. R: DRAUFHALTEN UND BETEN/ SPRAY AND PRAY
Cost: 100 / 125 / 150 Mana
Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 ACTIVE: For 5 seconds, Twitch gains bonus attack damage and 300 bonus attack range (850 total range). Attack Damge +: 20 / 28 / 36 Additionally, each of his basic attacks will pierce enemies in an 850 length line, with each unit struck reducing the attack's damage by 20% down to a minimum of 40% damage. Someone will die.
Skill Order
1 E
2 W
3 Q
4 E
5 E
6 R
7 E
8 Q
9 E
10 Q
11 R
12 Q
13 Q
14 W
15 W
16 R
17 W
18 W
There are 3 Runepages that you can use for Twitch, but you need to know that flat attack damage is terrible on twitch, which is the reason why i never play with Flat AD Quintessences.
1. Standard ADC Runepage
Attack Damage + 8.6
Armor +9
Magic Resist +12.1
Attack Speed + 13.5
2. Standard ADC Runepage that scales into the lategame, requires you to stay back and farm really hard
Attack Damage + 8.6
Healt at level 18 + 216
Magic Resist + 12.1
Attack Speed + 13.5
3. Mix between Armor and Health that gives you the opportunity to play a bit more aggressive early
Attack Damage + 8.6
Healt + 4
Armor + 4
Magic Resist + 12.1
Attack Speed + 13.5
Summoner Spells
Heal and Flash are the way to go, flash is just to good to not choose it on any champ and Heal is just really essential on twitch, this will alow him to engage/disengage and to run away, it also synergizes very well with his Q.
Item Build
Complete Build -[ Berserker's Greaves - Blade of the Ruined King - Infinity Edge - Mortal Reminder - Statikk Shiv - The Bloodthirster ]
Karma - Karma is just sexy as hell, allows twitch to play either aggressive or passive as her kit provides you with alot of tools.
Braum - As Twitch is one of the Attack Speed heaviest champion Braums passive just fits him perfectly, his peeling and sustain in lane also helps him alot.
Morgana - Her level 6 and spellshield wins the lane, she in combination with you leads to a devastating lane.
Signed - iRangerPink



