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Guide [ Kindred ] - JUNGLE


Wireless Security Tester
J Rep
J Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
- Hello Guys, I'm the Pink Ranger and here is my guide
- How do I build Her/Him (It's a "them")
Standard start: Machete & Refillable potion At or around 1000g I'll back and finish my basic jungle (blue) item and get tier 1 boots. This way I have more mobility and a better slow leading into a lot more ganks. The next Item I tend to build is a Kircheis Shard. It's amazing on Kindred. Most builds I've seen go for Runaan's Hurricane which is okay, but it doesn't give you the early power spike that Kircheis Shard does. Personally, I've tried a lot of builds on her.. Devourer isn't as good Pre-season 6 because it costs a lot more than it used to, so I just straight up go damage with the Warrior enchantment. This way you have great early game damage because it's almost an infinity edge (without crit). So your next item is warrior enchant. Then you finish your Rapid Firecannon. This will give you siegeing ability along with heavier burst damage. Keep in mind you're kiting more than average so almost every 4 shots you shoot a double-shot (Rapid Firecannon proc). Then I work on getting a Bork while finishing my boots. BoRK is great. Attack speed, Damage, Life Steal, and the passive that it gives you shreds tanks. This is where it gets kinda fuzzy because I never really play past this point. You can choose to get BT instead of BoRK, but BoRK is cheaper and has a nice burst/speed steal. The next item is FOR SURE a Mortal Reminder. This is for taking out people with heavy lifesteal. They can't heal if you inflict grevious wounds meaning you kill adcs like slicing through butter with a hot steak knife (they have no fuckin chance) it also lets you shred tanks easier. Lastly, Infinity Edge. The reason it's your last item is because it basically adds more of what you already have along with a nice crit effect. It's not your first item for sure because you already have a lot of damage. Some sub items for Infinity Edge are BT and Merc Scim. QSS will save you a ton. Zed ults, stuns, etc. When you QSS you can get out of the shit that you started, and trust me.. I start a lot of shit. - Jungle Rotation and Stacks
You really have to focus here and practice. She gets behind very easily if you don't keep farming a lot during the game. Of course you have to make ganks, but make sure they're rewarding. You'll want to start at Red. Don't doubt me on this one. Do not start krugs. Tell your top laner if he doesn't help you get red you'll lose. The reason you want to get red so early and so fast is so you can hit level 3 and take your first passive stack from rift scuttles. If you take red you clear up the red side leaving it open to take all mobs when you come back around. After Red go to Wolves, then blue. You need blue for pretty much everything. After Blue take your scuttle crab that has your stack on it, this gives intense early burst damage. Your priority for the rest of the game are these camps. Only counter-jungle if you KNOW it's safe, this means ward. I would almost take the warding machete because of this. The enemy team can see where your kindred stack is and I can't tell you how many times I've had someone wait in a bush for me to come and take it so they can kill me. - Let's recap: Red -> Wolves -> Blue -> Scuttle
For the rest of the game: Stack camp >> Blue >> Red >> Other camps I actually suggest smiting wolves as you will be counter-jungled if you counter jungle them. Smiting wolves gives you a ward around that half of the jungle where your ADC can come in and get a free kill and everyone is happy
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Signed - iRangerPink



