Mobile Legend
1000 XP
Today im telling you, how to safely farm IP/EXP while looking human.
First of all you have to get elobuddy if you dont have it
1. you need to get Autobuddy.
You can get it here: https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/7708-524-autobuddy-beta-the-most-advanced-ai-on-summoners-rift/
Credits go to https://www.elobuddy.net/user/16502-christian-brutal-sniper/ , btw thanks for creating it, its simply awesome!
2. you need Ashe Addon, i think the actually best one is Ashes to Ashes
You have to deactivate Autobuy Starting Items and Auto Level skills!
Credits go to https://www.elobuddy.net/user/7668-topgunner/ , thanks for this Addon!
3. Next you need Auto Chat https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/3255-autochat-more-time-playing-less-time-chatting-update-1025-fixed/
Just go into custom game and take the Options as you want them, if the bot writes something it always make it look more human.
Credits go to: https://www.elobuddy.net/user/8922-reversesh3ll/
4 If you want you can add EvadePlus while using Autobuddy :
thanks to https://www.elobuddy.net/user/11-stefsot/ for this awesome evade!
[If you use Evade the Chance is higher that you get banned!]
5. You dont need an humanizer anymore! The Core is humanized right now.
Now you can go into custom game and set everything up as you want.
After you went into custom game you can go under C:/User/Appdata/Roaming-> AUTOBUDDY go to Builds and set your own Builds for Ashe!
Just call it : Ashe-SummonersRift.
The Item IDS you can find here : http://loldevelopers.de.vu/
Item ID:Buy = Buy Item ID:Sell = Sell
2003:StartHpPot = Buy Hp Pots -- 2003:StopHpPot = Sell Hp pot and stop buying them.
As Example you can use this for Ashe: 3340:Buy,1036:Buy,2003:StartHpPot,1053:Buy,1037:Buy,1018:Buy,1038:Buy,3031:Buy,1042:Buy,1001:Buy,3006:Buy,1042:Buy,1051:Buy,3086:Buy,1042:Buy,2015:Buy,3087:Buy,2003:StopHpPot,1036:Buy,1038:Buy,3072:Buy,1042:Buy,2015:Buy,1042:Buy,3086:Buy,3094:Buy,1036:Buy,3034:Buy,3036:Buy
Now you can get a simplet Auto Queuer like Pazbot for Queue up!
Thanks for this bot: https://www.elobuddy.net/user/26090-paz/
​As Championpick you just take Ashe, if you want any other Champ just make a Itembuild and get an Addon for this Champ.
Thats it, have fun botting!
If i helped you pls upvote :>
I Reccomend Medium Bots
Recall Logic is actually broken! For Fixx install this: https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/13973-fix-autobuddy-recall-fix-by-marwanpro/
Edited by Cre, 01 February 2016 - 01:59 PM.
First of all you have to get elobuddy if you dont have it
1. you need to get Autobuddy.
You can get it here: https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/7708-524-autobuddy-beta-the-most-advanced-ai-on-summoners-rift/
Credits go to https://www.elobuddy.net/user/16502-christian-brutal-sniper/ , btw thanks for creating it, its simply awesome!
2. you need Ashe Addon, i think the actually best one is Ashes to Ashes
You have to deactivate Autobuy Starting Items and Auto Level skills!
Credits go to https://www.elobuddy.net/user/7668-topgunner/ , thanks for this Addon!
3. Next you need Auto Chat https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/3255-autochat-more-time-playing-less-time-chatting-update-1025-fixed/
Just go into custom game and take the Options as you want them, if the bot writes something it always make it look more human.
Credits go to: https://www.elobuddy.net/user/8922-reversesh3ll/
4 If you want you can add EvadePlus while using Autobuddy :
[If you use Evade the Chance is higher that you get banned!]
5. You dont need an humanizer anymore! The Core is humanized right now.
Now you can go into custom game and set everything up as you want.
After you went into custom game you can go under C:/User/Appdata/Roaming-> AUTOBUDDY go to Builds and set your own Builds for Ashe!
Just call it : Ashe-SummonersRift.
The Item IDS you can find here : http://loldevelopers.de.vu/
Item ID:Buy = Buy Item ID:Sell = Sell
2003:StartHpPot = Buy Hp Pots -- 2003:StopHpPot = Sell Hp pot and stop buying them.
As Example you can use this for Ashe: 3340:Buy,1036:Buy,2003:StartHpPot,1053:Buy,1037:Buy,1018:Buy,1038:Buy,3031:Buy,1042:Buy,1001:Buy,3006:Buy,1042:Buy,1051:Buy,3086:Buy,1042:Buy,2015:Buy,3087:Buy,2003:StopHpPot,1036:Buy,1038:Buy,3072:Buy,1042:Buy,2015:Buy,1042:Buy,3086:Buy,3094:Buy,1036:Buy,3034:Buy,3036:Buy
Now you can get a simplet Auto Queuer like Pazbot for Queue up!
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​As Championpick you just take Ashe, if you want any other Champ just make a Itembuild and get an Addon for this Champ.
Thats it, have fun botting!
If i helped you pls upvote :>
I Reccomend Medium Bots
Recall Logic is actually broken! For Fixx install this: https://www.elobuddy.net/topic/13973-fix-autobuddy-recall-fix-by-marwanpro/
Edited by Cre, 01 February 2016 - 01:59 PM.