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hi guys, hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: This is for non-US users who can’t create a PayPal account, and US based ones who want to create a stealth account. Ignore this thread if you do know how to do that. I’m not affiliated with any sites/apps mentioned here.
Whether we like it or not, we need PayPal, and until there’s a universal alternative, we’ll always do. The thing is, we don’t always want to use our real names there. Many people want to, but can’t do it because PayPal isn't available in their country. That’s where Stealth accounts come in to save the day. Stealth accounts are just normal accounts, but with fake info, made for one of the reasons mentioned above (or to scam people, in some cases. Please don’t do that). I’ve seen many people looking to buy a US phone number or a PVA PayPal account or things like that, and every time I was like “What? Why don’t they create one themselves?”. I’m guessing many users don’t know what are VOIP numbers and how to get cheap ones, so here you go.
1. Go to www.fakenamegenerator.com
2. Generate a US/European name
3. Copy all the data in a txt file
4. Download an app called Dingtone, it’s available for Android and IOS
IOS link: http://https//itunes.apple.com/us/app/dingtone-wifi-calling-text/id588937297?mt=8
Android link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.dingtone.app.im
Neither of those is an affiliate link
5. Purchase a US phone number from there (You can get one for $2/year), preferably with the same area code you got in the fake address
I know many of you will argue that such phone numbers won’t work with PayPal. Believe me, they do, I’ve created many accounts for clients this way.
6. Head over to Paypal.com
7. Register an account with the data you got above
8. Use the phone number you got from Dingtone app
9. Verify your email and phone number
10. Done! Now keep the Dingtone app installed as PayPal will ask you for a phone verification every time you log in. Always login to Dingtone and complete free offers to get credits in the app, as receiving messages costs credits, but you can easily get them by watching an ad or downloading a game or whatever. Even if you register a PayPal account with a US address, there’s no need to use a VPN.
You can use your new account to receive money or send it, as well as paying for services
But how can I withdraw money from that account?
11. Well, you have two choices here: either you send the money to someone you know so they can withdraw it for you (or pay some reputable member here to do that for you), or you can verify your PayPal account and use it to pay yourself through one of the freelancing websites. For that, just create a Freelancer account and a Buyer account. Be careful though, don’t create them on the same day and use a VPN when you create the buyer account, because that’s against their TOS (As one can use this for money laundering), and create a full conversation between you and the imaginary buyer. Don’t just create the buyer account and pay yourself immediately, as that will rise suspicions. Make it realistic, so that if they do check your account, everything will seem normal.
12. To verify your PayPal account, or remover the limits, go to http://www.secondeyesolution.su and get yourself some documents then through them at PayPal’s face and BAM! Money in the hole! (If your account gets limited, that probably means you got some money there, so I don’t think using some of it to get the docs would be a waste)
I know many of you will see this as a useless thread containing basic shit, sorry about that. I just hope this can help some users here.
This method is safe, as it doesn’t require any personal info (except the ones you’re using when you purchase the phone number from Dingtone)
You can even monetize this by offering to create stealth PayPal accounts in countries where PayPal isn’t available.
Disclaimer: This is for non-US users who can’t create a PayPal account, and US based ones who want to create a stealth account. Ignore this thread if you do know how to do that. I’m not affiliated with any sites/apps mentioned here.
Whether we like it or not, we need PayPal, and until there’s a universal alternative, we’ll always do. The thing is, we don’t always want to use our real names there. Many people want to, but can’t do it because PayPal isn't available in their country. That’s where Stealth accounts come in to save the day. Stealth accounts are just normal accounts, but with fake info, made for one of the reasons mentioned above (or to scam people, in some cases. Please don’t do that). I’ve seen many people looking to buy a US phone number or a PVA PayPal account or things like that, and every time I was like “What? Why don’t they create one themselves?”. I’m guessing many users don’t know what are VOIP numbers and how to get cheap ones, so here you go.
1. Go to www.fakenamegenerator.com
2. Generate a US/European name
3. Copy all the data in a txt file
4. Download an app called Dingtone, it’s available for Android and IOS
IOS link: http://https//itunes.apple.com/us/app/dingtone-wifi-calling-text/id588937297?mt=8
Android link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.dingtone.app.im
Neither of those is an affiliate link
5. Purchase a US phone number from there (You can get one for $2/year), preferably with the same area code you got in the fake address
I know many of you will argue that such phone numbers won’t work with PayPal. Believe me, they do, I’ve created many accounts for clients this way.
6. Head over to Paypal.com
7. Register an account with the data you got above
8. Use the phone number you got from Dingtone app
9. Verify your email and phone number
10. Done! Now keep the Dingtone app installed as PayPal will ask you for a phone verification every time you log in. Always login to Dingtone and complete free offers to get credits in the app, as receiving messages costs credits, but you can easily get them by watching an ad or downloading a game or whatever. Even if you register a PayPal account with a US address, there’s no need to use a VPN.
You can use your new account to receive money or send it, as well as paying for services
But how can I withdraw money from that account?
11. Well, you have two choices here: either you send the money to someone you know so they can withdraw it for you (or pay some reputable member here to do that for you), or you can verify your PayPal account and use it to pay yourself through one of the freelancing websites. For that, just create a Freelancer account and a Buyer account. Be careful though, don’t create them on the same day and use a VPN when you create the buyer account, because that’s against their TOS (As one can use this for money laundering), and create a full conversation between you and the imaginary buyer. Don’t just create the buyer account and pay yourself immediately, as that will rise suspicions. Make it realistic, so that if they do check your account, everything will seem normal.
12. To verify your PayPal account, or remover the limits, go to http://www.secondeyesolution.su and get yourself some documents then through them at PayPal’s face and BAM! Money in the hole! (If your account gets limited, that probably means you got some money there, so I don’t think using some of it to get the docs would be a waste)
I know many of you will see this as a useless thread containing basic shit, sorry about that. I just hope this can help some users here.
This method is safe, as it doesn’t require any personal info (except the ones you’re using when you purchase the phone number from Dingtone)
You can even monetize this by offering to create stealth PayPal accounts in countries where PayPal isn’t available.