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[Guide] How To Crack LoL Accounts


Dynamic Testing Engineer
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Pretty sure most of these programs I found via a tutorial on another website a couple years ago, however I can't re-link. Nothing here is coded by me, only re-shares. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM THERE ARE NO VIRUSES. I personally use each of these programs daily, but there is no reason to trust my word!
This is not some HQ method, this is just a simple way of getting accounts to script on. These will 98% be verified accounts, and I am not using a fancy password list - just a beginner tutorial to get you started.
Let me know in this thread if you have any questions, I will check back! Drop that +1 if this helped you out [12345] combo list. Also useless for the OP.GG scraper, but a nice little tool that removes the need for delimited column extraction and separate combo list creator tool. It isnt included in the bundled file, so download here if you want to use it! Let me know if you have any issues with the program, it was written in C# - the source can be found http://www.tiwlink.com/ObRFx.
Download: http://www.tiwlink.com/gaZ15
EDIT5: I added a copy of Botop's Combo Utilities - a CLEAN and SAFE copy directly from the original creator. I see wayyy to many infected copies around, so figured this would be useful to some. I am not going to cover how to use this tool, its just a bonus for those who wish to use this tool. All your LoL cracking needs can be found in my thread, safe to use
Those 3 files will contain combos, but these arent the ones we want. They are just the username twice, which is no use. I suggest first combining all 3 lists into one, then using the delimited column extractor from https://textmechanic.com/text-tools/basic-text-tools/delimited-column-extractor/ to extract column 1 using colon ( : ) as the separator. Save this to a text file, and we will move on to the next tool. Skip delimited column extraction if you want to use my tool!
EDIT: I noticed a number of people are facing crashes with this program, so here are my two fixes. RUN AS ADMIN. Also, if a seed account doesnt have enough material to scrape, the program will crash, so try a different account. I have only worked with NA, so maybe other servers are giving issues? I HAVE PROVIDED AN ALTERNATIVE SCRAPER IN THE DOWNLOAD LINKS SECTION, PLEASE USE IF YOU RUN INTO ISSUES. Note: with that alternative program, you wont have to separate the two columns, but there will be much shorter account lists created. One test with my personal account was 15k scraped vs 50k with the program I provided. You also will have to save the accounts from the file "tmp.txt" BEFORE closing the program if the save dialogue fails to pop up since the files are deleted on exit. This alternative is pictured below. There are more alternative scrapers out there on the forums, but most of them scrape the SUMMONER NAME not the USER NAME - that means a large number wont work for logging in.
OPTIONAL: This is where you would use my program, assuming you are using LeagueScraper and not BoostedScraper
All you need to do is hit "Load Source Files" and select the files "Accounts1.txt Accounts2.txt Accounts3.txt" from LeagueScraper output folder. If you scrape with multiple seeds for each time, you can keep adding more files to the program, I have tested it with up to 6 sources text files from 3 seed accounts. These files should be in the format "user:user" (in other words dont bother using a delimited column extractor first, that would screw things up). Once you have all your source files loaded, just hit "Start!" button. It runs quickly, so within a few seconds you should have a notification letting you know combining is done. Hit the save button and name your output file, and you are done!
This just creates user[12345] combos, which still are the most commonly used passwords so work great if you just wanna crack quick and dirty, but Ill cover botop's below as well.
Next you want to open the WZScraper.exe from the files I provided. Hit "add" and select the text file with just the usernames we just created. This will take a few seconds, and clicking away will cause the confirmation popup to no longer be visible, meaning you have to force-close the program since it wont let you interact while the popup is active. Once those accounts are loaded, select "Export user:user[numbers(12345)]" then hit export. Save this file, and we are done making the combos!
Instead, we will be using Botops. Pretty simple, hit "LOAD USERNAMES/EMAILS" to load your new list of usernames into the users side, hit "LOAD PASSWORD LIST" and find one of the ones I provided that fits your fancy... remember, there is such a thing as too long. A combolist 100m long with very uncommon passwords doesnt do ya much good, you wait around 10 days for SentryMBA to chugg through for only like 5 extra accounts.
Numeric Additions.txt - too long
Numeric Additions2.txt - cripes what was I thinking... good test material though.
Use either the "Numeric Additions Simple.txt" for ONLY user+numers combos, and "Numeric Additions less simple.txt" for a few extra common passwords thrown in.
Ill keep updating the lists and consolidate those as time goes on. So after loading all that, just hit "START", select your output file, and wait for it to do its thing...
Next is proxies, and this is pretty simple. Open IP Proxy Scraper, add the sources.txt file as sources, then hit "scrape" - this will take a bit and might give you a couple errors, but the program never crashes and is the fastest scraper I know of. When using a massive source list, this is the program to use. Just hit "continue" on any errors that might pop up, if any. I suggest clicking the "Show website names which didn't succeed" box since this lets you know for sure when done. Click "Copy" and save the list to a text file.
Now open up Frozen Proxy Checker and load the scraped proxies into it. I set threads to 500, but you can leave at the default 300 just fine. Hit start, and wait until you notice the numbers arent changing any more - sometimes connections result in an error, meaning a few proxies will be left over as unchecked, just ignore. Click the "working" button to save those to a text file.
Now you will need to set up SentryMBA. Hit the button "Load Settings from Snap Shot" and select your config.ini file. Then navigate to the "Lists" tab and add both your combolist to the "Wordlist" box on top left of wordlist tab by hitting the associated open file button, as well as your proxies through the same button in the "Proxylist" tab. Once you have loaded your config, combolist, and proxylist, check your settings in "Progression" tab in respect to bots match that of your config, and then hit Start in top left. Wait till done, then select all hits from progression tab, right click, and copy <COMBO> so you can save them to a text file.
Finally, open up the account checker. Hit the Accounts button, then import your hits from MBA. Make sure the server is correct, and then run the checker by hitting Start. This will give you loads of info about the accounts, although a number will be crappy, I just recently found one with over 4000RP that hadnt been played on for over a year via this method!
If you run into any accounts that say "password change required" please refer to the "EDIT6" I made at the top of this thread for a solution. Ill link a copy here for yall to download, although I wont be keeping that updated. https://petty.link/XfCIS ALL CREDIT GOES TO ORIGINAL CREATOR -
Screenshot of the working program:
One should note that this also works to check accounts that you already have cracked, regardless if they have the PW change issue or not.
He has made his tool bigger badder and stronger, check it out here -
You can also direct download in my download section above. I just wont cover how to use it, Ill let him do that.
That should be it, a process that takes about 2 days to run through 4,00,000 accounts and produces 150 hits with me using 200 bots in MBA. Better combolists and proxies can increase this rate, but in less than a week I have over 100 ranked-ready accounts on standby for me to play on. Good luck!
Again any configs older than about Oct 25, 2018 DO NOT WORK. You will need new and updated ones, and ya can buy em for $5 for your server here - https://selly.gg/g/503d6f or by following the link in my sig.
Edited by w9allday3, 05 November 2018 - 09:21 AM.



