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Guide: Fix PUBG Lag


Internal Linking Guru
C Rep
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is regarded as the game that has established the battle royale genre, and no one can argue with that. The game is also notoriously known for having many glitches and laggy moments during intense moments of combat.
The devs have recently updated PUBG to a much more stable build but there is still much left to be desired. The PUBG Corp. has announced a campaign called "Fix PUBG" (https://fix.pubg.com/) to tackle the bugs and issues in PUBG. But that road map is spread over months and the bugs are set to be fixed last.
The good news is that they have prioritized anti-cheats in the game. Hackers and cheaters are one of the, if not the biggest, problems in PUBG since the beginning and this shows that the devs are focusing on the biggest issues first.
The bad news is that server performance is set to be tackled much later in the timeline. Now that is a problem. Cheater are an issue for sure but Network Issues should be prioritized over all else. That is because LAG is the ultimate game killer. Gamers will powers through most bugs and issues if they love the game, but lag is the one thing that renders the game unplayable. And that is specially true for a highly competitive game like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.
The Lag in PUBG is not epidemic but does affect a lot of the player base. And for the most part we, the players, are left to "Fix PUBG Lag" ourselves. Three main reasons for PUBG lag include;
1) Server Performance.
2) System Setup and Settings.
3) Network Optimization.
1) Server Performance:
Well there's nothing much we can do do about it since its completely up to the devs to optimize their servers. Well that's not completely true, we can rant online repeatedly to put some pressure on them. But the devs are the only one's with access to the servers.
2) System Setup and Settings:
This is one thing that is completely in our hands. And there are many little fixes we can do to optimize our game setup for PUBG. First, make sure your system is running on recommended system requirements or better.
Then there are many tweaks that you can make to your system settings to make PUBG run smoother on your PC. These include;
- Lower the game’s resolution
- Change fullscreen to windowed full screen
- Close unused/background applications
- Disable Game DVR
- Repair your PC’s registry
- Update display and other drivers
- Set “High priority†to the game in Task Manager.
- Set Power settings to “Maximum Performanceâ€
- Select “High Performance†under Power Options (Laptop users)
- Have charger plugged in for maximum performance (Laptop users)
If these don't work, you can read about https://www.killping.com/blog/fix-pubg-lag-in-simple-steps/.
3) Network Optimization:
Network related issues are either poor optimization or your part; like playing on WiFi or loose wires. Or mostly its the poor routing between your ISP and the game's server. In such a case you can either choose to change you ISP which again may or may not solve the high ping causing the lag. Or you can opt for getting a ping reducing service like Kill Ping, Haste, Out Fox etc.
Most of these services offer a free trial and you can sign up for a trial and see how much it improves your ping/experience. These services vary in prices, but higher prices don't guarantee a better service. Opt for the free trial for all three services and choose the one that optimizes your ping the most.



