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Guide: Decision Making


Harem Analyst
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Decision Making
Although mechanics (and scripts) really help you win games, it all goes to shit if you have poor decision making. Decision making in league will make or break a game, which is why it is important to do the right thing at the right time. This post will focus on when you should take dragon/baron, and when you should play passively or aggressively.
Taking Dragon
When should you take dragon? Well this depends on many circumstances. Who is your jungler and who is the enemy jungler? Does their top lane have tp? Is your bot or mid lane pushed? Do you have wards?
When should I solo Dragon?
If you are the jungler, and have the ability to solo dragon, ward the area around dragon and place a pink ward on dragon. On red side you should ward over the wall where dragon is, and the bush in the middle of the river, and as stated earlier, a pink ward in dragon pit. Now you know if someone is coming, and you also ensure that they have no wards on dragon. However, it can still be dangerous to take dragon at this time, because you don't know where the enemy jungler is, he might pop out at any moment, maybe with the same idea as you, or just to take the scuttle crab. So before you begin dragon, wait until you know the enemy jungler is top side.
When should my team take Dragon?
If the enemy mid laner and jungler are dead/just recalled, or if the enemy mid lane and bot lane are dead/just recalled, or if the enemy bot lane and jungler are dead/just recalled, it would be an ideal time to take dragon(assuming you can receive help from mid and bot). However, if your team is even/ahead, you could pink dragon, and just start it, but if and only if your bot/mid lanes are pushed out, effectively pressuring and stopping their enemy lanes from heading to dragon to stop you. But only if their top lane doesn't have tp up, and yours does. Needless to say this is still a huge risk, as dragon aggro will deal a decent amount of damage.
When should I contest Dragon/Baron?
This is something that a lot of low elo players do wrong. This applies to both dragon and baron. If you are the only one able to contest a dragon/baron, while the entire or majority of the enemy team is taking that dragon/baron, then just get the fuck out of the area. There is no point in trying to contest it, because you will fail. There is a small chance of success if you are the jungler and you are outleveling the enemy jungler or if you are using activator, but other than that the best move is too let them have it and minimize your losses to just letting them have that baron/dragon. However, if your situation does not match what I just stated about when you shouldn't contest drag/baron, then you should most definitely contest it, target their carries, if their carries are feeding target the jungler.
Taking Baron
When should I contest Baron?
Refer to the above under "When should I contest Dragon/Baron?" under the "Taking Dragon" section.
When should I solo Baron?
Even if you have the ability to solo baron, it is way to risky to try it. If you are playing ranked do not attempt to solo it.
When should my team take Baron?
There are multiple scenarios, follow the list.
They have one or more inhibs down:
If they have one or more inhibs down, let your minions push to the gates of their base, and start baron. The enemy team will either have to leave one man to defend the base, allowing you to easily win the 4v5, or they will completely abandon their base, causing them to lose a turret, or they will dedicate themselves to defending their base allowing you to have a free baron. Or, if you have a split push champion and they do abandon their base, that split pusher can tp to your minions and possibly end the game if you stop the enemy team recalls.
They are taking dragon:
If the enemy team is on point with the dragon timers, and begin dragon as soon as it spawns, you should wait about 10 seconds before dragon spawns(pink baron as well), and start baron. The enemy team will more than likely be waiting for dragon to spawn and will take that, when the feel all high and mighty that they took their third or fourth dragon, you can feel high and might because you just took baron while they were taking dragon.
You have a split pusher:
If you have a split pusher on your team, have your split pusher push bot. When he gets into a decent distance into enemy territory, begin baron. The enemy team will either move to stop your split pusher, allowing you a free baron, or they will stop you from taking baron, allowing your split pusher to take an inhib, or possibly even win the game.
Should I be Passive or Aggressive?
Let me start off by saying I am a big fan of playing aggressive. That doesn't necessarily mean go in every 5 seconds, but instead you should be the one applying pressure and trying to make plays as opposed to waiting for your enemy to make plays. However there is a time to be passive, especially when you're behind, and they've proven they can outplay you.
When should you be passive?
You should be passive when the enemy laner has a clear advantage over you. For example if you are top lane and the enemy team as a lane bully such as a renekton, and the champion you're playing simply cannot outmatch a renekton, you should only last hit minions, allowing his minions to push to your tower and effectively setting up your jungler for an easy gank, which puts you ahead and allows you to play aggressively, which puts you even more ahead. In other words the only time you should play passively is if it will later allow you to play aggressively. If you play passively when you can be playing aggressively, all you do is allow your enemy laner to become strong when you could've easily shut them down by simply not being scared. However, this doesn't mean be a dumbass and go in when you're 0/2/0. If they're ahead you should sit back, let them push to tower, and let your jungler do his job and gank.
When should you be aggressive?
You should be aggressive almost always. The only time you shouldn't be is if you know that you will lose trades/duels with your enemy laner. A very good time to be aggressive towards your enemy laner is when they move into cs, they will either try to avoid your harass, or return your harass with harass of their own, forcing them to lose that cs and therefore gold. Another time to be aggressive is if the enemy laner just used an ability that is vital to their trade potential, a great example is Kalista. If she just messed up her rend and it goes on cd her trade potential is seriously hurt, it would be a great time to do some damage to her, as she cannot return it. You generally never want to start off a match by playing passively, always be aggressive, if you always wait for the enemy to make plays you will lose your games.
That concludes my topic, hope I could help, please leave a comment with your opinion, anything you may disagree with or any questions you have. Also if you have any suggestions for something I should add on to this decision making guide let me know!
Edited by 18thmaster, 26 July 2015 - 06:08 AM.



