Crypto Compliance Analyst
200 XP
Beat The Retail Nonsense
GOVA TRADING ACADEMY helps traders learn faster, trade smarter with simple, repeatable trading methods in the PRO COURSE, based on real-time professional order-flow trading strategies. We find key hidden levels of Supply & Demand that provides great trading opportunities.
All 14 Modules include 45 videos. The course does not include any software.
53 files and 3 subfolders
GOVA TRADING ACADEMY helps traders learn faster, trade smarter with simple, repeatable trading methods in the PRO COURSE, based on real-time professional order-flow trading strategies. We find key hidden levels of Supply & Demand that provides great trading opportunities.
All 14 Modules include 45 videos. The course does not include any software.
- W.D. Gann's Introduction to Geometric Angles.
- Importance of the square in nature.
- Using the square to divide time and price proportionately.
- Important angles within the square.
- Common scaling problems.
- How to scale charts for all markets and timeframes.
- What is a timekeeper?
- Using timekeepers to scale charts for all timeframes.
- Solving geometric angles for all markets and timeframes.
- Squaring highs and lows using geometric angles.
- Understanding and interpreting price action around geometric angles.
- W.D. Gann's Mechanical Method as it applies to geometric angles.
- Buying and selling points.
- Analyzing the market using geometric angles.
- Building an entry using geometric angles.
- Trade management.
- Analyzing live market conditions using geometric angles (live trading session).
- Top down analysis of any market you choose.
- Identifying sections of the market.
- Understanding possible market scenarios.
- Speculating the next highest probability move in the market.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
53 files and 3 subfolders