Automation Guru
1000 XP
I was gonna write a long ass post like I did the last few times, but my mind is too cloudy for that right now.
Too much shit going on, not knowing how much time I have left, not knowing whats gonna happen.
Anyway I'll keep it short, I'm leaving Nulled. This is not a choice I made and it hurts writing this, but I'm in some big trouble rn. Those who know, know. (please don't share anything publicly, don't make it harder for me than it already is)
If I'm banned at the time you're reading this, its a security ban, not an exit scam.
I'd like to thank every single one of you for the memories I made on here. I will never forget nulled, its a huge part of my life. I'll try to finally turn my life around for the better and I advise you to do the same. I thought I'd be able to leave all of this behind before it would backfire, but I guess I was wrong. Don't be greedy and stupid, take your profits and do something good, even if it means less money.
I won't be shouting people out because it would be stupid in my current situation, you guys know who you are, I love you.
That being said, I won't sell anything on here in the foreseeable future. If anyone dm's you on discord, telegram or anywhere else claiming to be me - they're not.
After I've dealt with the current scam report on me I'll be gone.
If you're interested in buying any of my services, please reach out on telegram within the next few days. If you don't have my telegram don't bother finding it, I won't sell to you.
Goodbye friends.
Too much shit going on, not knowing how much time I have left, not knowing whats gonna happen.
Anyway I'll keep it short, I'm leaving Nulled. This is not a choice I made and it hurts writing this, but I'm in some big trouble rn. Those who know, know. (please don't share anything publicly, don't make it harder for me than it already is)
If I'm banned at the time you're reading this, its a security ban, not an exit scam.
I'd like to thank every single one of you for the memories I made on here. I will never forget nulled, its a huge part of my life. I'll try to finally turn my life around for the better and I advise you to do the same. I thought I'd be able to leave all of this behind before it would backfire, but I guess I was wrong. Don't be greedy and stupid, take your profits and do something good, even if it means less money.
I won't be shouting people out because it would be stupid in my current situation, you guys know who you are, I love you.
That being said, I won't sell anything on here in the foreseeable future. If anyone dm's you on discord, telegram or anywhere else claiming to be me - they're not.
After I've dealt with the current scam report on me I'll be gone.
If you're interested in buying any of my services, please reach out on telegram within the next few days. If you don't have my telegram don't bother finding it, I won't sell to you.
Goodbye friends.