Chibi Merchandise Manager
300 XP
Get your first full access League of Legends accounts FREE
Maybe some of you guys know how but some don't xD
Good luck everyone ?
Hello there as many of you guys asked me about how they can get a full access lol account I will give you 3 different ways to how to get it
1- Most accurate way and 99% work
2-Not accurate and depends on your luck and iq
3-Depends on your combo and how quality is it xD
Have any question? leave it on reply or send me massage
Edited by K3MO, 19 February 2023 - 08:54 PM.
Maybe some of you guys know how but some don't xD
Good luck everyone ?
Hello there as many of you guys asked me about how they can get a full access lol account I will give you 3 different ways to how to get it
1- Most accurate way and 99% work
- Get a mail access combo ( free or paid but preferred paid as it will be more hq )
- Second use any combo editor and convert this mail:pass combo to user:pass combo
- now use any checker to check this user:pass combo and look if you got good accounts from it
- Got good one? then it's 99% full access and yours now xD
- Just log in the email and change the account to your email and done
2-Not accurate and depends on your luck and iq
- Get any combo free/paid and check it with any checker then filter the account to lvl +30 and export them to this format email:user:pass
- then use the pass of the account and try to log in the email with it
- If you logged in then it's 100% full access xD
- There is some checkers that do it auto but preferred to do it manually for more accounts xD
- ALWAYS skip gmail ones ( Sometimes hotmail / yahoo work )
3-Depends on your combo and how quality is it xD
- Get good private combo and check it with any checker
- Then filter the accounts with email verified and any unverified account you can easy log in riot site and change the email to yours
Have any question? leave it on reply or send me massage
Edited by K3MO, 19 February 2023 - 08:54 PM.