Global Tech Strategist
200 XP
just aint found this Method in here - so i post it. If its already posted please just delete:
[Guide] Get Skins for free
Step 1: Make 5 Smurfaccounts on your refferallink.
Step 2: Search this Forum and look for the Bot you like.
Step 3: Use Sandbox or any other Programm that allows you to open multiple League of Legends -Acc
Step 4: Let your bots play togheter vs coop and level them to level 10.
Step 5: Make them friends with your main account
Step 6: Wait until the Skin you like is on discount.
Step 7: Buy that Skin with the 400 rp you get for getting lvl 3 and send it to your Mainaccount + Be Happy about Warwick and Twitch Skin + IP.
Tipp: DONT Buy XP Boost on the Smurfs
just aint found this Method in here - so i post it. If its already posted please just delete:
[Guide] Get Skins for free
Step 1: Make 5 Smurfaccounts on your refferallink.
Step 2: Search this Forum and look for the Bot you like.
Step 3: Use Sandbox or any other Programm that allows you to open multiple League of Legends -Acc
Step 4: Let your bots play togheter vs coop and level them to level 10.
Step 5: Make them friends with your main account
Step 6: Wait until the Skin you like is on discount.
Step 7: Buy that Skin with the 400 rp you get for getting lvl 3 and send it to your Mainaccount + Be Happy about Warwick and Twitch Skin + IP.
Tipp: DONT Buy XP Boost on the Smurfs