OVA Curator
1000 XP
First of all, read the following content and understand that are so many paid tools that you can use for making a game, but there are also so many Tools that you can actually use for free.
Getting Started:
Before you jump ahead and try to watch tutorial based on the Tools that you will find here, you should read the advice bellow.
Since Autodesk made the student license there's no reason to buy 3Ds MAX you can use it for free, just to learn the basic concept about what is Modeling, and everything else. Zbrush is a Modeling that you can import & export characters that you made to 3Ds MAX and the way around. Both of then are Paid.
AutoDesk 3DsMAX: (For student license and download) - Modeling, texturizing & animation.
Pixologic zBrush: (Free student license and download) - Sculpt & texturizing.
My advice for begginers and the tools can be used for people who's already know the concepts of modeling, texturizing and animation is download free tools, you can earn money with it and after that you can also buy the Tools above if you want to.
[Free] Tools and really useful as well. - Honestly I prefer in the begining Blender instead of 3Ds Max.
Blender: Free download - Modeling, texturizing & animation.
Sculptris: Free download Pixologic made it the same company that made zBrush but this one is Free and really useful - Sculpt & texturizing.
UDK (Unreal Development Kit): Free as well. - UDK is the ONE that will make your game became real. - Game Engine, Sound & tons of tools that you must use.
Audacity: Free Recorder and Sound Editor. - This will for sure make your characters became alive.
So Ladies and Gentlemen this is it, the Beginning of a Game Design Life but before a finish this I'm available if you guys have quest just send a inbox right?
Watch tutorials and if you are interested to be a Professional this is one that I learn a lot but unfortunately is paid.
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Getting Started:
Before you jump ahead and try to watch tutorial based on the Tools that you will find here, you should read the advice bellow.
The question above was only to people know that once you decide to make a Game there are several questions that you need to answer and keep it on mind.- have you got a storyboard in mind?
- have you got on your mind what genre the game will be?
- What kind of Plataform are you making for?
- If is a storyteller based in only one character, did you devoleped his past, what is his motivation to do it and the main question, why he wants to do it, what is he's reasons for it?
-Would you play your game?
So now lets get started...- First think you have to know about Game Design is: Have you got a Start , Midle and a End.
- Some people play Games but not only because sympathized with the hero but he sympathized with the villain.
- Lots of people ask how can I be a Designer the answer is practise, some times you when you finish sculpting you would not like the result my tip is do it again until you get what you're worked for.
Since Autodesk made the student license there's no reason to buy 3Ds MAX you can use it for free, just to learn the basic concept about what is Modeling, and everything else. Zbrush is a Modeling that you can import & export characters that you made to 3Ds MAX and the way around. Both of then are Paid.
AutoDesk 3DsMAX: (For student license and download) - Modeling, texturizing & animation.
[Free] Tools and really useful as well. - Honestly I prefer in the begining Blender instead of 3Ds Max.
Blender: Free download - Modeling, texturizing & animation.
Watch tutorials and if you are interested to be a Professional this is one that I learn a lot but unfortunately is paid.
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